#1.Showing Them Educational Videos
You'd Think...
We've all heard of those Baby Einstein educational videos, claiming you can park your one-year-old in front of them and have him transform into a Mozart-playing, Shakespeare-quoting nuclear physicist. Makes sense, children soak up knowledge like little kid-shaped ShamWows. The more info you give them during this crucial soaking stage, the better!
But in Reality...
You may have heard that Disney is offering refunds on its Baby Einstein line of educational DVDs. This came after a research team led by Frederick Zimmerman and Dr. Dimitri Christakis from the University of Washington showed that babies watching the popular educational videos around the age of one learn six to eight less words per hour than children who spent their afternoons putting dirt in their mouths. It's because, despite what you have been telling yourself for years, virtual interaction is never as good the real thing.
If you really want your children to learn from an early age, you need to read to them and supply the buggers with as much human-on-human interaction as possible, not park their adorable little butts in front of the fucking television. TV programs and Infant Education videos use a series of rapidly changing scenes and constantly bombard your kids with new words. With time, their itsy bitsy minds start to filter out most of the information just to help manage the constant barrage, and voila! The kids develop shorter attention spans, and eventually the food service industry claims another life.
#2.Heaping Praise On Them
You'd Think...
Your parents never told you that you were special, even after that kidnapping story you made up to hide the report card with all the Fs. Your kid will have it better. "Great job on the test, son! I loved it how you blocked the ball with your face, son! Got your girlfriend pregnant? High five, up top!"
But in Reality...
We have previously mentioned how the whole self-esteem movement turned a whole lot of people into dicks, because they emotionally can't handle anyone who doesn't boost their ego. We further theorized that this gave birth to the modern douchebag movement.
But it turns out there are effects beyond simply making people unbearable to be around. A study published in 2007 by researches from Columbia and Stanford University found that frequently-praised kids eventually came to believe that intelligence and talent were things they were born with, things which under no possible circumstances could be improved. Consequently, they avoided academic situations that presented any kind of challenge and refused to see the value in any activity that required effort, because if they were so freaking amazing, nothing worth doing should be hard, right?
As a result, their grades dropped and they developed motivation and, ironically, self-esteem issues. So the lesson here is, make your kid realize the value of hard work and honest effort before they self-tan themselves orange and pop their collars. By then, it will be too late.
#3.Warning Them About Strangers
You'd Think...
When it comes to child molestation, there is no such thing as too careful. It is important that your children understand to never do anything a stranger tells them to, and to realize the entire world is out there just waiting to murder the shit out of them for no reason.
But in Reality...
As it turns out, an overblown emphasis on "Stranger Danger" can apparently transform your children into xenophobic bigots, at least that's what professor Sue Scott from the University of Durham is saying. According to Scott, children should certainly be taught to be cautious of strangers, but what most parents are teaching their kids today causes children worldwide to freak out at the mere sight of anything out of the ordinary.
Statistically children are far, far more likely to be abducted/molested by someone the family knows than a roving child molestation gang. Teaching children to fear anyone strange or different from themselves manifests itself later as a fear of pretty much the entire outside world. By adulthood, they're locking their doors every time a Mexican walks by.
#4.Starting Them In School Early
You'd Think...
Education must not wait. Your parents waited until you were seven before sending you to school and look at how fucking sad you turned out. You'll be damned if your child suffers the same ill-fate. Is six-months old too early to start attending school? Come on, what's the worst that could happen?
But in Reality...
We hope you didn't have any plans to remodel your basement, because your kid will be living there for a very long time. A study by the National Foundation for Educational Research in the UK has concluded that children who start schooling before the age of six are more likely to drop out from higher education facilities, smoke weed and play guitar badly.
Researchers say sending kids to school before they've developed even the basic little-kid skills of a six-year-old can cause them to suffer from anxiety attacks and develop low self-esteem issues, giving them a bad attitude about the whole "going to school" thing that follows them throughout their education.
This does introduce children to the hopeless, bitter disappointment that is life and prepares them for their soul crushing future office workplace, but even those places want at least a high school diploma.
#5.Making Them Play Sports
You'd Think...
Nobody wants their child to grow up a dateless nerd, so as soon as his bones harden up, it's off to football practice. There, the guy who used to steal your lunch money and punched a girl at recess in fourth grade will teach your children important life lessons about fair play and sportsmanship, which will naturally transform them into honest, hard working adults.
But in Reality...
Remember your school days, when Steve the quarterback managed to keep passing his classes despite firmly believing that the first president of the United States was George Washington Carver? If you suspected he was cheating somehow, a study of over 5000 students from the Los Angeles-based Josephson Institute seems to confirm it. According to the study, athletes are some of the most dishonest kids in school, with football players turning out the worst with over 72 percent admitting to having cheated during various examinations. Where does this attitude come from? The study suggests it might be the coaches.
But let's face it, you're not sending your kid off to practice so he can have a good time and make friends. You want some goddamn trophies, so coaches are not above teaching kids how to cut corners, feign injuries and do whatever humiliating damage they can to their opponents, because hey, nothing else matters but winning, right?
#6.Teaching Them To Be Themselves
You'd Think...
Peer pressure is the thing that makes kids smoke cigarettes, do drugs and read pornographic magazines by the time they reach middle school. As countless PSAs and after-school specials taught us, we must teach our kids to be themselves and never give two halves of a fuck about what their "friends" think.
But in Reality...
Remember that smelly kid in school, who never washed his hair, had no friends and once pissed in the sink at that party he wasn't invited to? That's your kid, without peer pressure. A study conducted at the University of Virginia showed that kids who were exposed to peer pressure around the ages of 12 and 13 turned out to be way more well-adjusted than the ones who weren't. They better understood the need to accommodate and make compromises when confronted with social pressure, rather than the "I'll just take my ball and go home" attitude they adopt otherwise.
The kids who were taught to be themselves no matter what didn't become walking clones of James Dean. They actually turned out less engaged, socially challenged and statistically less intelligent, their GPAs dropping almost an entire letter grade.
Maybe more importantly, when you actually give a damn about how people view you, it develops a skill of reading the most subtle changes in people's emotional states, leading ultimately to a heightened sense of empathy. In this socially awkward age of the Internet, it turns out peer pressure at the right time can basically give you superpowers.
#7.Giving Your Kids a Creative Name
You'd Think...
You want your kid to be special. There are a few million Daves, Bobs and Johns running around NOT being totally awesome and obviously it's all because of their boring-ass names. So you decide to name your son something original, like Malcolm, Ivan or Dicksmash McIroncock.
But in Reality...
You have just sent your flesh and blood straight into the middle of a massive man-rape in the prison shower. According to a study at the Shippensburg University, kids growing up with ordinary, popular names have a higher chance to become law abiding citizens, while all the unusually named ones should start deciding what state they want to commit their first felony in (friendly tip, skip Texas). The study lists the top 10 bad boy names in America as: Alec, Ernest, Garland, Ivan, Kareem, Luke, Malcolm, Preston, Tyrell and Walter, which we must point out are not the names of any serial killer or presidential assassin that has ever existed, so we're assuming the research is skewed in a certain direction.
The theory is that the additional attention garnered by odd and unusual names can cause peer ridicule and discrimination in the workforce, which tends to result in a few thousand Alecs and Prestons stealing toilet paper from the gas station. So do your kid a favor and give him a typical law-abiding, mentally stable name, like Michael.
It seems like it's close to impossible to raise a normal child these days, what with the violent video games and the 4chan and the childhood obesity. But if the latest research is to be believed, even the good stuff we thought we were doing for our kids is ruining them.
Yes, as it turns out the most innocent things we do to our kids every day can fuck them up worse than having the Joker shoot their parents in front of them.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
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Wiley The Official Guide For GMAT Review 12th Edition
The Job Interview 101 Dynamite Answers to Interview Questions
IQ_Mindbenders over 500 Mind-bending Puzzles
The Toyota Way Fieldbook
Brand Failures The Truth about the 100 Biggest Branding Mistakes of All Time
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The 21 Rules for Successful Negotiating
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Self-Discipline in 10 Days
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The Secret History of the World
How People Tick: A Guide to Over 50 Types of Difficult People and How to Handle Them
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Perfect Phrases for the TOEFL Speaking and Writing Sections
Healthy Eating for Life
Real Resumes For Engineering Jobs
Twitter-Tips Tricks And Tweets
The Healthy Woman
5 Steps to a Great Resume
7 seconds. Just 7 seconds. Recent studies have shown that is all the time you have to make an impression (good or bad) on a potential employer. Knowing this, it becomes apparent just how important a good resume is. Unfortunately, many job seekers don’t realize this fact - to their own peril. During my 6 plus years of writing resumes professionally for www.Quality-Resumes.net I have seen a lot of mistakes, misspellings, missteps and miscues along the way. I can help you before you make some of them, too. There are 5 basic mistakes that every job-seeker should avoid.
The first, and most important, is also the easiest to fix: poor writing. Things like typos, misspellings, verb tenses mixed and sentences butchered. A potential employer will not struggle to get through your resume. He will simply toss it into the “circular file.” Your resume must be easy to read; 7 seconds, remember?
Second, you need to use an easy-to-scan format; something one can glance over and have key details stand out. You should limit the amount of fancy formatting you do. Just because you can manipulate all of Microsoft Word’s functions doesn’t mean you have to show it here. Keep it clean and simple. What you should have are the four standard sections: Objective, Summary, Work History and Education. Put enough detail in to sell yourself but no more.
Third, and this is closely related to formatting, do not over write. This is a trap all amateur writers fall into. The best authors know less is more, and what works for books works for resumes too. Too often I have read resumes that have huge paragraphs of text explaining every single detail about their current job or even the company they currently work for. Employers and recruiters are not going to wade through volumes of text when they have another 100 or so resumes to get through. They need to know quickly and easily what you have done and what you can do. Most often a short bulleted list accomplishes this best.
Fourth, you need to tell potential employers what you are capable of doing. Often when a client sends me their resume for a professional evaluation, I see the job specs. Those could apply to anyone who has held that particular job. It is not singling them out as different, better and more capable than the rest. List your achievements, what you have done above and beyond, not just the job requirements.
Fifth, there is more than one type of resume. While just about every job seeker writing their own resume tries to make their professional life fit a chronological format, it simply is not the way to go for many people. A skills-based resume allows one to focus on abilities and potential, rather that just past achievements. An education-based resume allows employers to see your training in detail; this is especially useful for recent graduates. There really is a resume fit for every person. Experiment a little bit, and find the style that fits you best.
Follow these five rules to avoid the mistakes of you job-seeking ancestors. A well-written resume is your first and best chance to make a good impression on potential employers. Make yours count. Remember, 7 seconds goes by awfully fast.
The first, and most important, is also the easiest to fix: poor writing. Things like typos, misspellings, verb tenses mixed and sentences butchered. A potential employer will not struggle to get through your resume. He will simply toss it into the “circular file.” Your resume must be easy to read; 7 seconds, remember?
Second, you need to use an easy-to-scan format; something one can glance over and have key details stand out. You should limit the amount of fancy formatting you do. Just because you can manipulate all of Microsoft Word’s functions doesn’t mean you have to show it here. Keep it clean and simple. What you should have are the four standard sections: Objective, Summary, Work History and Education. Put enough detail in to sell yourself but no more.
Third, and this is closely related to formatting, do not over write. This is a trap all amateur writers fall into. The best authors know less is more, and what works for books works for resumes too. Too often I have read resumes that have huge paragraphs of text explaining every single detail about their current job or even the company they currently work for. Employers and recruiters are not going to wade through volumes of text when they have another 100 or so resumes to get through. They need to know quickly and easily what you have done and what you can do. Most often a short bulleted list accomplishes this best.
Fourth, you need to tell potential employers what you are capable of doing. Often when a client sends me their resume for a professional evaluation, I see the job specs. Those could apply to anyone who has held that particular job. It is not singling them out as different, better and more capable than the rest. List your achievements, what you have done above and beyond, not just the job requirements.
Fifth, there is more than one type of resume. While just about every job seeker writing their own resume tries to make their professional life fit a chronological format, it simply is not the way to go for many people. A skills-based resume allows one to focus on abilities and potential, rather that just past achievements. An education-based resume allows employers to see your training in detail; this is especially useful for recent graduates. There really is a resume fit for every person. Experiment a little bit, and find the style that fits you best.
Follow these five rules to avoid the mistakes of you job-seeking ancestors. A well-written resume is your first and best chance to make a good impression on potential employers. Make yours count. Remember, 7 seconds goes by awfully fast.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Women's Health or Wyeth's Wealth
The recent question posed by an iammodern reader is a great lead into the huge controversy surrounding Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). In general, Bioidential Hormone Relacement Therapy (BHRT) refers to the replacement of hormones that diminish with aging to restore a physiologic equilibrium. When done under the supervision of a qualified physician well trained in HRT, it can really improve the quality of life. Unfortunately, the huge debate over the safety of HRT has been ongoing for years.
The big controversy began around 2002 when the Women�s Health Initiative (WHI), a multi-center study of menopausal women was discontinued. The researchers stopped the study when they found an increased risk of invasive breast cancer and coronary heart disease that outweighed the benefits from the hormone replacement therapy. This immediately became sensationalized by the media followed by droves of women calling their doctor�s offices en masse panicked about their risk of being on the hormones. What the media did not tell the public at the time was that the WHI study was based on the use of oral, synthetic hormones rather than bioidential hormones.
By definition, bioidentical hormones mimic the chemical structure of hormones that the human body makes naturally.
The term �bioidentical� indicates that the chemical structure of the replacement hormone is essentially identical to that of the natural human hormone. Therefore, it is metabolically processed in much the same way resulting in greater bio-availability and more effective utilization by the human body with less side effects than traditional HRT. The main reason for this is that oral HRT are metabolized by the liver causing hypertension, elevated cholesterol and even an increase in clotting factors and strokes.
The bottom line is: BHRT is safe and effective. It enhances quality of life and diminishes age related morbidity.
Endocrinologists and Anti-Aging physicians have been prescribing BHRT safely for decades. In fact, reports that date back as far as the 1900s show evidence that compounded creams were being made from human urine! Among the many benefits women derive from using BHRT include: fewer side effects than with synthetic hormones, improved cholesterol levels, decreased risk of endometrial and breast cancer, reduced hot flashes and vaginal dryness, better sleep, mood and concentration; and increased libido (I think this one is the reason I get so many �thank you� cards from patients�).
So the main argument boils down to Big Capitalistic Pharmaceutical Company vs. Small Compounding Pharmacy; Synthetic Mare derived Hormones vs. Natural, plant derived hormones that mimic Mother Nature and the human physiologic state.
How many women remember being on Prempro and going in for regular blood or saliva testing to monitor their unique levels of absorption? Laboratory testing is essential to the safe and scientific application of anti-aging BHRT. This is another very important fact that has been kept from the public. Physicians qualified to prescribe BHRT closely monitor their patients when administering treatment and modify/titrate the personalized prescriptions as needed. It�s not �one size fits all.� Each patient�s hormone cream is customized to replenish what they are lacking based on specific laboratory testing. It�s the same concept as a diabetic patient on insulin that has routine blood glucose checks.
For huge drug companies such as Wyeth to continue lobbying and declaring war on an issue that is fundamentally a doctor-patient decision is ludicrous and unconscionable. Add to that the FDA�s plan to stop the compounding of BHRT due to the persistent pressure by goliaths such as Wyeth and we have quite a dilemma on our hands.
I firmly believe that ultimately, as research data increases, this dilemma will become history. Pharmaceutical giants will eventually recognize the error of their ways and, in true capitalistic style, will likely come up with a �very expensive, designer� BHRT themselves.
2008Cosminology www.cosminology.com. All rights reserved.
Dima Ali, M.D. is an internationally recognized aesthetic and anti-aging medicine expert. Her areas of expertise include aesthetic laser surgery, minimally invasive face lifts, lipofilling, botox, soft tissue fillers, chemical peels, sclerotherapy, mesotherapy and bio-identical hormone replacement therapy. Dr. Ali received her undergraduate degree at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, TX. She received her Doctorate of Medicine and completed her residency training at The George Washington University School of Medicine, in Family Medicine with special emphasis in Dermatology, Cosmetic Surgery, Women�s Health and Preventive Medicine. After completing additional post graduate work in Cosmetic Dermatologic Surgery, she founded one of the East Coasts first medical spas, WellMedica Aesthetic & Anti-Aging Medicine in Reston, VA. Dr. Ali and her staff are deeply committed to the well being of each patient. Combining artistry with state-of-the art technology, they pride themselves on providing each patient with customized care.
WellMedica Aesthetic & Anti-Aging Medicine has been featured in Cosmetic Surgery Times, Vogue, DaySpa Magazine, In Style Magazine, Health and Beauty, The Washingtonian and The Washington Post as one of the �Top Medical Spas in the USA.� Dr. Ali has been featured on CBS News and frequently lectures and teaches hands-on courses at various national and international medical conferences. Dr. Ali is a Fellow of the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery and a faculty member and scientific advisor for The American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine. Dr. Ali is a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery;
The American Medical Association; The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine and has served as President of Professional Medical Spa Alliance. Dr. Ali has trained under world renowned experts including Dr. Zein Obagi and Dr. Pierre Fournier. In addition she also teaches cosmetic procedures with Dr. Fournier to other physicians, including dermatologists, plastic surgeons, general surgeons and primary care doctors. She is committed to the advancement of aesthetic medicine and surgery and is recognized as an important leader in the Metropolitan Washington D.C. and Northern Virginia areas as well as throughout the aesthetic and medical spa industries. www.cosminology.com www.wellmedica.com
The big controversy began around 2002 when the Women�s Health Initiative (WHI), a multi-center study of menopausal women was discontinued. The researchers stopped the study when they found an increased risk of invasive breast cancer and coronary heart disease that outweighed the benefits from the hormone replacement therapy. This immediately became sensationalized by the media followed by droves of women calling their doctor�s offices en masse panicked about their risk of being on the hormones. What the media did not tell the public at the time was that the WHI study was based on the use of oral, synthetic hormones rather than bioidential hormones.
By definition, bioidentical hormones mimic the chemical structure of hormones that the human body makes naturally.
The term �bioidentical� indicates that the chemical structure of the replacement hormone is essentially identical to that of the natural human hormone. Therefore, it is metabolically processed in much the same way resulting in greater bio-availability and more effective utilization by the human body with less side effects than traditional HRT. The main reason for this is that oral HRT are metabolized by the liver causing hypertension, elevated cholesterol and even an increase in clotting factors and strokes.
The bottom line is: BHRT is safe and effective. It enhances quality of life and diminishes age related morbidity.
Endocrinologists and Anti-Aging physicians have been prescribing BHRT safely for decades. In fact, reports that date back as far as the 1900s show evidence that compounded creams were being made from human urine! Among the many benefits women derive from using BHRT include: fewer side effects than with synthetic hormones, improved cholesterol levels, decreased risk of endometrial and breast cancer, reduced hot flashes and vaginal dryness, better sleep, mood and concentration; and increased libido (I think this one is the reason I get so many �thank you� cards from patients�).
So the main argument boils down to Big Capitalistic Pharmaceutical Company vs. Small Compounding Pharmacy; Synthetic Mare derived Hormones vs. Natural, plant derived hormones that mimic Mother Nature and the human physiologic state.
How many women remember being on Prempro and going in for regular blood or saliva testing to monitor their unique levels of absorption? Laboratory testing is essential to the safe and scientific application of anti-aging BHRT. This is another very important fact that has been kept from the public. Physicians qualified to prescribe BHRT closely monitor their patients when administering treatment and modify/titrate the personalized prescriptions as needed. It�s not �one size fits all.� Each patient�s hormone cream is customized to replenish what they are lacking based on specific laboratory testing. It�s the same concept as a diabetic patient on insulin that has routine blood glucose checks.
For huge drug companies such as Wyeth to continue lobbying and declaring war on an issue that is fundamentally a doctor-patient decision is ludicrous and unconscionable. Add to that the FDA�s plan to stop the compounding of BHRT due to the persistent pressure by goliaths such as Wyeth and we have quite a dilemma on our hands.
I firmly believe that ultimately, as research data increases, this dilemma will become history. Pharmaceutical giants will eventually recognize the error of their ways and, in true capitalistic style, will likely come up with a �very expensive, designer� BHRT themselves.
2008Cosminology www.cosminology.com. All rights reserved.
Dima Ali, M.D. is an internationally recognized aesthetic and anti-aging medicine expert. Her areas of expertise include aesthetic laser surgery, minimally invasive face lifts, lipofilling, botox, soft tissue fillers, chemical peels, sclerotherapy, mesotherapy and bio-identical hormone replacement therapy. Dr. Ali received her undergraduate degree at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, TX. She received her Doctorate of Medicine and completed her residency training at The George Washington University School of Medicine, in Family Medicine with special emphasis in Dermatology, Cosmetic Surgery, Women�s Health and Preventive Medicine. After completing additional post graduate work in Cosmetic Dermatologic Surgery, she founded one of the East Coasts first medical spas, WellMedica Aesthetic & Anti-Aging Medicine in Reston, VA. Dr. Ali and her staff are deeply committed to the well being of each patient. Combining artistry with state-of-the art technology, they pride themselves on providing each patient with customized care.
WellMedica Aesthetic & Anti-Aging Medicine has been featured in Cosmetic Surgery Times, Vogue, DaySpa Magazine, In Style Magazine, Health and Beauty, The Washingtonian and The Washington Post as one of the �Top Medical Spas in the USA.� Dr. Ali has been featured on CBS News and frequently lectures and teaches hands-on courses at various national and international medical conferences. Dr. Ali is a Fellow of the American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery and a faculty member and scientific advisor for The American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine. Dr. Ali is a member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery;
The American Medical Association; The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine and has served as President of Professional Medical Spa Alliance. Dr. Ali has trained under world renowned experts including Dr. Zein Obagi and Dr. Pierre Fournier. In addition she also teaches cosmetic procedures with Dr. Fournier to other physicians, including dermatologists, plastic surgeons, general surgeons and primary care doctors. She is committed to the advancement of aesthetic medicine and surgery and is recognized as an important leader in the Metropolitan Washington D.C. and Northern Virginia areas as well as throughout the aesthetic and medical spa industries. www.cosminology.com www.wellmedica.com
In Chronic Pain? Check Vitamin D levels
If you’ve been reading up on the latest health news recently, you’ve probably already gotten your vitamin D levels checked, and if you haven’t, I suggest you do it asap. It has recently come to global attention that there is an epidemic of inadequate and deficient vitamin D levels in much of the world’s population, children in particular.
We have known for a long time that Vitamin D is essential for healthy bones and muscles and now new research has pointed to its importance in the prevention of chronic diseases, as well. Most recently, research out of the Mayo Clinic is showing a correlation between inadequate vitamin D levels and the amount of narcotic medication taken by patients who havechronic pain.
According to the CDC, chronic pain is the leading cause of disability in the United States and patients often end up taking strong medication such as morphine, fentanyl or oxycodone. The Mayo Clinic study found that patients who requirednarcotic pain medication , and who also had inadequate levels of vitamin D, were taking much higher doses of pain medication — nearly twice as much — as those who had adequate levels. These patients self-reported worse physical functioning and worse overall health perception.
A correlation was also noted between increasing BMI (a measure of obesity) and decreasing levels of vitamin D. Turns out a deficiency of Vitamin D is an under-recognized source of diffuse pain and impaired neuromuscular functioning and by physicians can significantly improve their patients' pain, function and quality of life by assessing and correcting Vitamin D deficiencies. This study has important implications for both chronic pain patients and physicians, namely patients who suffer from chronic, diffuse pain and are on narcotics should consider getting their vitamin D levels checked. It may be that many patients who have been labeled with fibromyalgia are, in fact, suffering from symptomatic vitamin D inadequacy. Assessment and treatment are relatively simple and inexpensive. Levels can be assessed by a simple blood test (25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D]).
We have known for a long time that Vitamin D is essential for healthy bones and muscles and now new research has pointed to its importance in the prevention of chronic diseases, as well. Most recently, research out of the Mayo Clinic is showing a correlation between inadequate vitamin D levels and the amount of narcotic medication taken by patients who havechronic pain.
According to the CDC, chronic pain is the leading cause of disability in the United States and patients often end up taking strong medication such as morphine, fentanyl or oxycodone. The Mayo Clinic study found that patients who requirednarcotic pain medication , and who also had inadequate levels of vitamin D, were taking much higher doses of pain medication — nearly twice as much — as those who had adequate levels. These patients self-reported worse physical functioning and worse overall health perception.
A correlation was also noted between increasing BMI (a measure of obesity) and decreasing levels of vitamin D. Turns out a deficiency of Vitamin D is an under-recognized source of diffuse pain and impaired neuromuscular functioning and by physicians can significantly improve their patients' pain, function and quality of life by assessing and correcting Vitamin D deficiencies. This study has important implications for both chronic pain patients and physicians, namely patients who suffer from chronic, diffuse pain and are on narcotics should consider getting their vitamin D levels checked. It may be that many patients who have been labeled with fibromyalgia are, in fact, suffering from symptomatic vitamin D inadequacy. Assessment and treatment are relatively simple and inexpensive. Levels can be assessed by a simple blood test (25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D]).
Fabulous Food For Fabulous Women!
ALMONDS: rich in heart-healthy vitamin E and fiber.
APPLES: A good source of pectin, a soluble fiber that provides bulk and digests slowly, helping you feel full.
BLUEBERRIES: contains the most antioxidants of any fruit
BOK CHOY: high in folate
BROCCOLI: great source of cancer fighting phytonutrient
CARROTS: loaded with beta-carotene, low in calories, and rich in fiber.
BROWN RICE: A source of complex carbohydrates, which provide sustained fuel and prevent fatigue. It’s also rich in the B vitamins that help turn food into energy.
FISH: excellent source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids
KIWI FRUIT: most nutrients per calorie of any other fruit !!!
CANTALOUPE: It satisfies a sweet tooth but is low in calories
OATMEAL: high in fiber, iron and B vitamins
ORANGE JUICE: One of the best drinks there is. Vitamins C, B, potassium, antioxidants, and the list goes on and on! And of course, drink Florida orange juice. (Because that is where I live).
This juice is delicious and refreshing. It has more antioxidant power than any other drink. Yes, more than red wine, green tea, blueberry juice, cranberry juice, orange juice and Noni juice. Antioxidants are extremely important because they guard your body against free radicals. Free radicals are molecules that can cause premature aging, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, even cancer.
RAISINS: high in iron and fiber
RED GRAPES: packed with resveratrol, a cancer blocker
SALMON: highest concentration of heart protective omega-3 fatty acids
TEMPEH: soy isoflavones from this fermented soy product
TOFU: full of cholesterol lowering soy isoflavones
YOGURT: full of calcium and “friendly bacteria”
Important Vitamins for Women (and men too).
Vitamin A: (Beta carotene) Essential for good vision, healthy skin, hair, teeth and bones; can also boost immune function and help protect against cancer. Recommended amount: 10,000 IU per day.
B Vitamins, including Folic Acid: Folic Acid, B6 and B12 work together to prevent anemia, manufacture red blood cells and build genetic material. Folic Acid also has been proven to reduce the risk of birth defects. The latest research also shows that these B vitamins may improve memory and reduce levels of homocysteine (a chemical found in the blood that may help predict heart attack and stroke risk), thereby lowering your risk of heart disease and stroke. Folic Acid is also being studied as a means to ward off colon and breast cancers. Recommended amount: Folic Acid 0.4 mg. per day, B6 (pyridoxine) 50 mg. per day; B12 300mcg. Per day (micrograms).
Vitamin C: Helps prevent heart disease and cancer. Contributes to wound healing, immune functions, the production of collagen (connective tissue) and healthy gums. It also helps the body absorb iron. Recommended amount: 500 mg. per day
Vitamin D: Maintains healthy bones (by helping your body to absorb calcium) and promotes immune function; may help protect against the loss of lean muscle mass associated with aging. New research suggests it may also protect against breast and colon cancers. Recommended amount: 400 IU per day
Vitamin E: Helps form red blood cells, muscle and other tissues. In large quantities, it may protect against cancer causing cell changes, reduce your risk of heart disease and enhance immune function. New research indicates that E also may slow the progression of Alzheimer’s Disease and be a useful therapy for diabetes (it improves glucose control) and arthritis (it reduces inflammation). Recommended amount: 400 IU per day. Do not exceed 400 IU per day without the advice of your doctor.
Folic Acid: Take 0.4 mg daily when trying to get pregnant as this prevents some birth defects.
Important Minerals for Everyone
As with vitamins, it can be difficult, to get the amounts of minerals needed for optimum health through diet alone. Mineral supplements can help you make sure you are getting all the minerals your body requires. Below is a list of essential minerals we recommend.
Calcium: Calcium is vital for the formation of strong bones and teeth and for the maintenance of healthy gums. It is also important in the maintenance of a regular heartbeat and the transmission of nerve impulses. Calcium lowers cholesterol levels and helps prevent cardiovascular disease. It may increase the rate of bone growth and bone mineral density and children. It may lower blood pressure and prevent bone loss associated with osteoporosis as well. RDA: 1000 mg. per day, 1500 mg. per day after menopause.
Magnesium: Magnesium assists in calcium and potassium uptake. Supplementing the diet with magnesium can help prevent depression, dizziness, muscle weakness and twitching, and premenstrual syndrome, and also aids in maintaining the body’s proper pH balance. Recommended amount: 750 mg. per day. Potassium Role: This mineral is important for a healthy nervous system and a regular heart rhythm. It helps prevent stroke, aids in proper muscle contraction and works with sodium to control the body’s water balance.
Selenium: Selenium’s primary function is to prohibit the oxidation of lipids (fats). A vital antioxidant, especially when combined with vitamin E. It protects the immune system by preventing the formation of free radicals, which can damage the body. It has also been found to function as a preventive against the formation of certain types of tumors. Selenium and vitamin E act synergistically to aid in the production of antibodies and to help maintain a healthy heart and liver. This trace element is needed for pancreatic function and tissue elasticity. Recommended amount: 200 mcg. (micrograms) per day
Potassium: Important for chemical reactions within the cells and aids in maintaining stable blood pressure. Recommended amount: 50 mg. per day
Iron: Perhaps the most important of irons functions in the body is the production of hemoglobin and myoglobin and the oxygenation of red blood cells. Iron is the mineral found in the largest amounts of the blood. It is essential for many enzymes, including catalase, and is important for growth. Iron is also required for a healthy immune system and for energy production. Recommended amount: 30 mg. per day (if you take a supplement, this can cause black-looking feces and constipation).
Zinc: Assists with digestion and metabolism. This important mineral may help prevent acne and regulate the activity of the oil glands. It promotes a healthy immune system and the healing of wounds. It protects the liver from chemical damage and is vital for bone formation. Recommended amount: 15-50 mg. per day. The above dosage recommendations vary from source to source. Taking these vitamins individually may be costly and time consuming. Look for a balanced vitamin preparation with which you are comfortable. Ask your pharmacist for recommendations.
APPLES: A good source of pectin, a soluble fiber that provides bulk and digests slowly, helping you feel full.
BLUEBERRIES: contains the most antioxidants of any fruit
BOK CHOY: high in folate
BROCCOLI: great source of cancer fighting phytonutrient
CARROTS: loaded with beta-carotene, low in calories, and rich in fiber.
BROWN RICE: A source of complex carbohydrates, which provide sustained fuel and prevent fatigue. It’s also rich in the B vitamins that help turn food into energy.
FISH: excellent source of protein and omega-3 fatty acids
KIWI FRUIT: most nutrients per calorie of any other fruit !!!
CANTALOUPE: It satisfies a sweet tooth but is low in calories
OATMEAL: high in fiber, iron and B vitamins
ORANGE JUICE: One of the best drinks there is. Vitamins C, B, potassium, antioxidants, and the list goes on and on! And of course, drink Florida orange juice. (Because that is where I live).
This juice is delicious and refreshing. It has more antioxidant power than any other drink. Yes, more than red wine, green tea, blueberry juice, cranberry juice, orange juice and Noni juice. Antioxidants are extremely important because they guard your body against free radicals. Free radicals are molecules that can cause premature aging, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, even cancer.
RAISINS: high in iron and fiber
RED GRAPES: packed with resveratrol, a cancer blocker
SALMON: highest concentration of heart protective omega-3 fatty acids
TEMPEH: soy isoflavones from this fermented soy product
TOFU: full of cholesterol lowering soy isoflavones
YOGURT: full of calcium and “friendly bacteria”
Important Vitamins for Women (and men too).
Vitamin A: (Beta carotene) Essential for good vision, healthy skin, hair, teeth and bones; can also boost immune function and help protect against cancer. Recommended amount: 10,000 IU per day.
B Vitamins, including Folic Acid: Folic Acid, B6 and B12 work together to prevent anemia, manufacture red blood cells and build genetic material. Folic Acid also has been proven to reduce the risk of birth defects. The latest research also shows that these B vitamins may improve memory and reduce levels of homocysteine (a chemical found in the blood that may help predict heart attack and stroke risk), thereby lowering your risk of heart disease and stroke. Folic Acid is also being studied as a means to ward off colon and breast cancers. Recommended amount: Folic Acid 0.4 mg. per day, B6 (pyridoxine) 50 mg. per day; B12 300mcg. Per day (micrograms).
Vitamin C: Helps prevent heart disease and cancer. Contributes to wound healing, immune functions, the production of collagen (connective tissue) and healthy gums. It also helps the body absorb iron. Recommended amount: 500 mg. per day
Vitamin D: Maintains healthy bones (by helping your body to absorb calcium) and promotes immune function; may help protect against the loss of lean muscle mass associated with aging. New research suggests it may also protect against breast and colon cancers. Recommended amount: 400 IU per day
Vitamin E: Helps form red blood cells, muscle and other tissues. In large quantities, it may protect against cancer causing cell changes, reduce your risk of heart disease and enhance immune function. New research indicates that E also may slow the progression of Alzheimer’s Disease and be a useful therapy for diabetes (it improves glucose control) and arthritis (it reduces inflammation). Recommended amount: 400 IU per day. Do not exceed 400 IU per day without the advice of your doctor.
Folic Acid: Take 0.4 mg daily when trying to get pregnant as this prevents some birth defects.
Important Minerals for Everyone
As with vitamins, it can be difficult, to get the amounts of minerals needed for optimum health through diet alone. Mineral supplements can help you make sure you are getting all the minerals your body requires. Below is a list of essential minerals we recommend.
Calcium: Calcium is vital for the formation of strong bones and teeth and for the maintenance of healthy gums. It is also important in the maintenance of a regular heartbeat and the transmission of nerve impulses. Calcium lowers cholesterol levels and helps prevent cardiovascular disease. It may increase the rate of bone growth and bone mineral density and children. It may lower blood pressure and prevent bone loss associated with osteoporosis as well. RDA: 1000 mg. per day, 1500 mg. per day after menopause.
Magnesium: Magnesium assists in calcium and potassium uptake. Supplementing the diet with magnesium can help prevent depression, dizziness, muscle weakness and twitching, and premenstrual syndrome, and also aids in maintaining the body’s proper pH balance. Recommended amount: 750 mg. per day. Potassium Role: This mineral is important for a healthy nervous system and a regular heart rhythm. It helps prevent stroke, aids in proper muscle contraction and works with sodium to control the body’s water balance.
Selenium: Selenium’s primary function is to prohibit the oxidation of lipids (fats). A vital antioxidant, especially when combined with vitamin E. It protects the immune system by preventing the formation of free radicals, which can damage the body. It has also been found to function as a preventive against the formation of certain types of tumors. Selenium and vitamin E act synergistically to aid in the production of antibodies and to help maintain a healthy heart and liver. This trace element is needed for pancreatic function and tissue elasticity. Recommended amount: 200 mcg. (micrograms) per day
Potassium: Important for chemical reactions within the cells and aids in maintaining stable blood pressure. Recommended amount: 50 mg. per day
Iron: Perhaps the most important of irons functions in the body is the production of hemoglobin and myoglobin and the oxygenation of red blood cells. Iron is the mineral found in the largest amounts of the blood. It is essential for many enzymes, including catalase, and is important for growth. Iron is also required for a healthy immune system and for energy production. Recommended amount: 30 mg. per day (if you take a supplement, this can cause black-looking feces and constipation).
Zinc: Assists with digestion and metabolism. This important mineral may help prevent acne and regulate the activity of the oil glands. It promotes a healthy immune system and the healing of wounds. It protects the liver from chemical damage and is vital for bone formation. Recommended amount: 15-50 mg. per day. The above dosage recommendations vary from source to source. Taking these vitamins individually may be costly and time consuming. Look for a balanced vitamin preparation with which you are comfortable. Ask your pharmacist for recommendations.
A Guide to Female Hair Loss
Hair loss usually occurs because of hormonal factors. As a consequence, biological events like puberty, pregnancy and menopause that effect female hormone levels can also cause female hair loss. In the case of pregnancy, hair loss is simply a consequence of the stress the body undergoes during labor and should stop approximately 6 months after birth. Discontinuation of taking birth control pills can also cause temporary female hair loss.
The most common type of female hair loss is androgenetic alopecia or female-pattern baldness. This type of hair loss is associated with hair thinning predominantly over the sides and top of the head. Female hair loss affects about one-third of all susceptible women and usually onsets after menopause although it can begin earlier.
Other causes of female hair loss include dieting. Rapid weight loss over a short period of time promotes hair loss and some supplements such as excessive vitamin A also contribute to hair loss. Physical and emotional stress can cause hair loss but this usually only occurs when the trauma is excessive and of a long duration. Everyday stress does not promote hair loss.
Some common myths related to female hair loss are that frequent washing and shampooing, and wearing of wigs and hats all cause hair loss. In addition, rumors abound that permanents, coloring, and other cosmetic treatments can cause permanent hair loss. Other myths are that brushing your hair everyday will create healthier hair, that shaving your head will cause hair to grow back thicker, and that stress causes permanent hair loss. Finally, other myths are that there is a cure for female-pattern baldness and that dandruff causes permanent hair loss.
These are just a few common myths associated with female hair loss. If you experience excessive hair loss, you should see a licensed dermatologist for a thorough diagnosis and treatment options.
The most common type of female hair loss is androgenetic alopecia or female-pattern baldness. This type of hair loss is associated with hair thinning predominantly over the sides and top of the head. Female hair loss affects about one-third of all susceptible women and usually onsets after menopause although it can begin earlier.
Other causes of female hair loss include dieting. Rapid weight loss over a short period of time promotes hair loss and some supplements such as excessive vitamin A also contribute to hair loss. Physical and emotional stress can cause hair loss but this usually only occurs when the trauma is excessive and of a long duration. Everyday stress does not promote hair loss.
Some common myths related to female hair loss are that frequent washing and shampooing, and wearing of wigs and hats all cause hair loss. In addition, rumors abound that permanents, coloring, and other cosmetic treatments can cause permanent hair loss. Other myths are that brushing your hair everyday will create healthier hair, that shaving your head will cause hair to grow back thicker, and that stress causes permanent hair loss. Finally, other myths are that there is a cure for female-pattern baldness and that dandruff causes permanent hair loss.
These are just a few common myths associated with female hair loss. If you experience excessive hair loss, you should see a licensed dermatologist for a thorough diagnosis and treatment options.
5 Steps to Reverse PCOS Symptoms
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) affects 5-10 percent of pre-menopausal women, making it the most common female endocrine disorder. PCOS wreaks havoc on hormones: excessive amounts of insulin stimulate the ovaries to produce large amounts of testosterone. The result can be irregular periods and infertility, along with symptoms such as male-pattern baldness, fatigue, excess body hair, and obesity. The long term health risks for women with PCOS include diabetes and cardiovascular disease among others.
Stanford University has clearly identified the existence and effects of insulin resistance, a metabolic disorder and the major underlying cause of PCOS. Treating insulin resistance will help you to manage or reverse PCOS symptoms. Most importantly, this can be done naturally, without the use of prescription drugs.
1. Nutraceuticals: Nature�s Medicine
Metabolic change cannot be achieved with a single ingredient. But the right combination of disease specific herbs, vitamins and minerals can help restore your body�s metabolism. Minerals such as chromium, magnesium, and zinc work to control insulin and glucose levels. Vitamin C and folic acid promote a healthy circulatory system. The herbs fenugreek and milk thistle also help to control insulin and glucose levels. Guar Gum can reduce bad cholesterol and lower blood pressure. Insulite Labs� nutraceuticals are formulated to reverse insulin resistance and PCOS.
2. Nutrition: Swap �Bad� Carbs for �Good� Carbs
All women with PCOS can benefit from adopting healthy eating habits. By eating a diet low in carbohydrates and refined sugars you can help reverse the imbalances of glucose and insulin in your body. Avoid �bad� carbohydrates like sweets, white bread, pasta and rice. Replace these with �good� carbohydrates that stabilize blood sugar like brown rice, quinoa, and whole wheat bread.
3. Exercise: Part of Your Daily Routine
Although everyone should find time to exercise, it is especially important for women with PCOS to fit some form of exercise into their daily routine. Whether it is a 20-minute walk, playing outside with your kids, or going to a Pilates class, exercise has proven to boost metabolism and burn calories which helps to control insulin levels and, in turn, results in weight loss. Exercise can also help to stave off diabetes, a health risk for women in PCOS.
4. Food Addiction: Break the Cycle
Consuming �bad� or simple carbohydrates and sugars can create a vicious cycle of ups and downs. Eating sweets and chips may give you a temporary high by causing a surge in blood sugar and serotonin, but the crash is sure to follow, leaving you craving more. By weaning yourself from simple sugars and carbohydrates and replacing them with complex carbohydrates and lean protein throughout the day you can maintain stable glucose and insulin levels and break the cycle of food addiction.
5. Find a Support Network: You Are Not Alone
You are not alone in your struggle with PCOS. There are millions of women worldwide experiencing the same symptoms and emotions. These are the women who will lift you up when you are feeling down. Visit the blogs and online communities like www.pcos.insulitelabs.com/blog, and soulcysters.net. If you can�t find a support group in your area then start one and promote it online, in local newspapers, via flyers and at schools, college and health clubs. www.pcosupport.org has a state-by-state list of medical professionals who have shown a commitment to PCOS located on the PCOSA web site.
Stanford University has clearly identified the existence and effects of insulin resistance, a metabolic disorder and the major underlying cause of PCOS. Treating insulin resistance will help you to manage or reverse PCOS symptoms. Most importantly, this can be done naturally, without the use of prescription drugs.
1. Nutraceuticals: Nature�s Medicine
Metabolic change cannot be achieved with a single ingredient. But the right combination of disease specific herbs, vitamins and minerals can help restore your body�s metabolism. Minerals such as chromium, magnesium, and zinc work to control insulin and glucose levels. Vitamin C and folic acid promote a healthy circulatory system. The herbs fenugreek and milk thistle also help to control insulin and glucose levels. Guar Gum can reduce bad cholesterol and lower blood pressure. Insulite Labs� nutraceuticals are formulated to reverse insulin resistance and PCOS.
2. Nutrition: Swap �Bad� Carbs for �Good� Carbs
All women with PCOS can benefit from adopting healthy eating habits. By eating a diet low in carbohydrates and refined sugars you can help reverse the imbalances of glucose and insulin in your body. Avoid �bad� carbohydrates like sweets, white bread, pasta and rice. Replace these with �good� carbohydrates that stabilize blood sugar like brown rice, quinoa, and whole wheat bread.
3. Exercise: Part of Your Daily Routine
Although everyone should find time to exercise, it is especially important for women with PCOS to fit some form of exercise into their daily routine. Whether it is a 20-minute walk, playing outside with your kids, or going to a Pilates class, exercise has proven to boost metabolism and burn calories which helps to control insulin levels and, in turn, results in weight loss. Exercise can also help to stave off diabetes, a health risk for women in PCOS.
4. Food Addiction: Break the Cycle
Consuming �bad� or simple carbohydrates and sugars can create a vicious cycle of ups and downs. Eating sweets and chips may give you a temporary high by causing a surge in blood sugar and serotonin, but the crash is sure to follow, leaving you craving more. By weaning yourself from simple sugars and carbohydrates and replacing them with complex carbohydrates and lean protein throughout the day you can maintain stable glucose and insulin levels and break the cycle of food addiction.
5. Find a Support Network: You Are Not Alone
You are not alone in your struggle with PCOS. There are millions of women worldwide experiencing the same symptoms and emotions. These are the women who will lift you up when you are feeling down. Visit the blogs and online communities like www.pcos.insulitelabs.com/blog, and soulcysters.net. If you can�t find a support group in your area then start one and promote it online, in local newspapers, via flyers and at schools, college and health clubs. www.pcosupport.org has a state-by-state list of medical professionals who have shown a commitment to PCOS located on the PCOSA web site.
Do Antioxidant Supplements Help Women?
It seems that everyone is jumping on the antioxidant bandwagon and why not? New research is coming out all the time that seems to indicate antioxidants can prevent cancer, strengthen your immune system and even keep you from aging. Antioxidants work by sucking up free radicals that can damage your body's cells and transporting them to the liver where eventually they exit the body.
Heart Disease in particular has been the subject of recent studies. Researchers in Italy examined three hundred and seven middle aged women for Atherosclerosis. This is the formation of plaques and lesions in the coronary arteries, which can signal the development of cardiovascular disease years before a doctor diagnosis's it. These women did not take vitamin supplements containing vitamins A, C or E. The researchers took blood samples to measure the women's baseline level of various antioxidants, took questionnaires and performed ultrasound examinations of their carotid arteries and branches of the heart. They found that women who had plaques building in their arteries had a low intake of vitamin E. Women with the lowest baseline concentrations of Vitamin E in their blood were twice as likely to have plaque build up in their carotid arteries and branches of the heart.
In a side note some promising research has come up relating to breast cancer in women. Researchers gave thirty-two women between the ages of thirty-two and eighty-one with metastasized breast cancer a multivitamin supplement. It contained vitamin C, E, Beta Carotene, selenium, coenzyme Q10 and other vitamins and minerals daily for eighteen months. None of the patients died during this period, which is wonderful because without supplements it could be expected that at least four of the volunteers would have died. Also the cancer in each of the patients appeared to stop spreading. Six of the patients showed partial remission. One of the six patients in partial remission had her dosage of coenzyme Q10 increased to 390mg daily and within two months her tumor could no longer be seen on a mammogram.
Antioxidants are beneficial but they seem to be able to do only do so much. In a French study publicized in 2004 it was found that antioxidants tended to benefit men more than women. The Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale and Unite de Surveillance et d'Epidemiologie Nutritionnelle studied the effects of taking supplements in more than thirteen thousand men and women for seven and a half years.
The participants were divided into groups, each one taking a different antioxidant daily. The antioxidants were ascorbic acid, Vitamin E, Beta Carotene, Selenium, Zinc and a placebo. At the end of the study they found that the men who took antioxidants were thirty-one percent less likely to develop cancer than women. Some of us women may be automatically thinking what a sexist finding! While it is possible that antioxidants are simply more effective in men it's not probable. It is more likely that the men had a lower baseline of antioxidants in their bloodstream than women, in other words women may have a better diet than men with lots of antioxidants and their baselines were already high. So the antioxidants that men took simply brought the men's baseline up and the antioxidants that women took may have been superfluous.
As a result of this study the researchers suggested that you are able to get a high and beneficial level of antioxidants in your blood with a diet containing lots of fruits and veggies.
Heart Disease in particular has been the subject of recent studies. Researchers in Italy examined three hundred and seven middle aged women for Atherosclerosis. This is the formation of plaques and lesions in the coronary arteries, which can signal the development of cardiovascular disease years before a doctor diagnosis's it. These women did not take vitamin supplements containing vitamins A, C or E. The researchers took blood samples to measure the women's baseline level of various antioxidants, took questionnaires and performed ultrasound examinations of their carotid arteries and branches of the heart. They found that women who had plaques building in their arteries had a low intake of vitamin E. Women with the lowest baseline concentrations of Vitamin E in their blood were twice as likely to have plaque build up in their carotid arteries and branches of the heart.
In a side note some promising research has come up relating to breast cancer in women. Researchers gave thirty-two women between the ages of thirty-two and eighty-one with metastasized breast cancer a multivitamin supplement. It contained vitamin C, E, Beta Carotene, selenium, coenzyme Q10 and other vitamins and minerals daily for eighteen months. None of the patients died during this period, which is wonderful because without supplements it could be expected that at least four of the volunteers would have died. Also the cancer in each of the patients appeared to stop spreading. Six of the patients showed partial remission. One of the six patients in partial remission had her dosage of coenzyme Q10 increased to 390mg daily and within two months her tumor could no longer be seen on a mammogram.
Antioxidants are beneficial but they seem to be able to do only do so much. In a French study publicized in 2004 it was found that antioxidants tended to benefit men more than women. The Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Medicale and Unite de Surveillance et d'Epidemiologie Nutritionnelle studied the effects of taking supplements in more than thirteen thousand men and women for seven and a half years.
The participants were divided into groups, each one taking a different antioxidant daily. The antioxidants were ascorbic acid, Vitamin E, Beta Carotene, Selenium, Zinc and a placebo. At the end of the study they found that the men who took antioxidants were thirty-one percent less likely to develop cancer than women. Some of us women may be automatically thinking what a sexist finding! While it is possible that antioxidants are simply more effective in men it's not probable. It is more likely that the men had a lower baseline of antioxidants in their bloodstream than women, in other words women may have a better diet than men with lots of antioxidants and their baselines were already high. So the antioxidants that men took simply brought the men's baseline up and the antioxidants that women took may have been superfluous.
As a result of this study the researchers suggested that you are able to get a high and beneficial level of antioxidants in your blood with a diet containing lots of fruits and veggies.
5 Steps to Optimal Health
The first step a program is Healthy Nutrition and there are ten basic rules:
1. Never skip a meal again (keep the calorie burning furnace burning)
2. Eat real, unprocessed foods (if man made it do not eat it)
3. Eat balanced meals (protein, fat, and carbs in every meal)
4. Choose a protein as the main nutrient in your meal
5. Add some healthy fats (avocado, nuts, seeds, cold water fish, and olive oil)
6. Add real carbohydrates (whole grains)
7. Add non-starchy vegetables (green and brightly coloured)
8. Eat snacks (keep the calorie burning furnace burning)
9. Eat solid food (fiber)
10.Drink enough water(body weight x .7 = no. of ounces to drink)
The second step of the program is Stress Management:
1. Make downtime a daily practice (you are important)
2. Put your life in perspective (don̢۪t sweat the small stuff)
3. Keep track of stress signals (heart rate increase, blood pressure, anxiety, yelling)
4. Get enough sleep (6-8hours)
Third, avoid all toxic chemicals including:
1. Nicotine
2. Alcohol
3. Refined sugar
4. Artificial sweeteners
5. Illegal drugs
6. MSG, additives & preservatives
7. Fake fats and fat blockers
8. Caffeine
9. Certain prescription drugs
Fourth, practice cardio, resistance and flexibility/relaxing exercises. www.phoenixfitness.ca , www.foru.ca, www.phoenixonlinept.com
And finally, the fifth step to optimal health is taking hormone replacement therapy as needed. ( Please Consult your Physician before beginning any such program)
1. Never skip a meal again (keep the calorie burning furnace burning)
2. Eat real, unprocessed foods (if man made it do not eat it)
3. Eat balanced meals (protein, fat, and carbs in every meal)
4. Choose a protein as the main nutrient in your meal
5. Add some healthy fats (avocado, nuts, seeds, cold water fish, and olive oil)
6. Add real carbohydrates (whole grains)
7. Add non-starchy vegetables (green and brightly coloured)
8. Eat snacks (keep the calorie burning furnace burning)
9. Eat solid food (fiber)
10.Drink enough water(body weight x .7 = no. of ounces to drink)
The second step of the program is Stress Management:
1. Make downtime a daily practice (you are important)
2. Put your life in perspective (don̢۪t sweat the small stuff)
3. Keep track of stress signals (heart rate increase, blood pressure, anxiety, yelling)
4. Get enough sleep (6-8hours)
Third, avoid all toxic chemicals including:
1. Nicotine
2. Alcohol
3. Refined sugar
4. Artificial sweeteners
5. Illegal drugs
6. MSG, additives & preservatives
7. Fake fats and fat blockers
8. Caffeine
9. Certain prescription drugs
Fourth, practice cardio, resistance and flexibility/relaxing exercises. www.phoenixfitness.ca , www.foru.ca, www.phoenixonlinept.com
And finally, the fifth step to optimal health is taking hormone replacement therapy as needed. ( Please Consult your Physician before beginning any such program)
Vitamins and Cancer Prevention
Much has been studied about the role of certain vitamins, minerals and herbs
in cancer prevention. Some of the most promising cancer prevention
properties come from those vitamins that are known as antioxidants.
Antioxidants are substances that protect the body's cells from damage caused
by dangerous free radicals, which can potentially cause cancer. There are
many different sources of antioxidants, including herbs, vitamins, and
foods. Here are some of the most widely recommended supplements thought to
help prevent cancer by fighting free radicals:
Beta Carotene: Beta carotene is thought to reduce the risk of cancer,
especially lung cancer. Beta carotene is naturally occurring in red and
orange foods such as pumpkin, squash, carrots, and red peppers. Beta
carotene can also be found in dark leafy greens like spinach and kale.
Lutein: Lutein can help prevent colon cancer and encourage good eye health.
Find lutein in dark green vegetables like collard greens, kale and spinach.
Lycopene: Lycopene has been studied for it's prostate cancer preventing
properties. Tomato products are the best sources of lycopene. Studies have
shown that processed tomato products like canned tomatoes, soups and juices
are higher in lycopene than fresh tomatoes.
Vitamin A:Vitamin A, whose most common form is retinol, is a powerful
antioxidant with cancer preventing properties that is found in such foods as
liver, carrots, milk, egg yolk and sweet potatoes.
Vitamin C: Getting enough Vitamin C can help prevent cancers of the mouth,
throat, esophagus, lung and colon. Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits,
berries, broccoli, and even lean poultry, beef and types of fish.
Vitamin E: Vitamin E is thought to prevent certain types of cancer such as
prostate cancer and can be found in foods like green, leafy vegetables,
fortified cereals, wheat germ oil and almonds.
Green Tea: Green tea is a powerful source of free-radical fighting
antioxidants. Drink green tea in it's natural form or try a supplement if
you can't stand the taste.
It's a good idea to eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean
protein and healthy fat like the omegas found in wild salmon. You can add
vitamin supplements to your diet as well. Try a multivitamin that contains
a specialized blend of all the vitamins required for total-body health.
Before adding nutritional supplements to your diet, talk to your doctor or
nutritionist to be sure you take the right dosage and tell them what
medications you are taking to avoid possibly dangerous interactions.
in cancer prevention. Some of the most promising cancer prevention
properties come from those vitamins that are known as antioxidants.
Antioxidants are substances that protect the body's cells from damage caused
by dangerous free radicals, which can potentially cause cancer. There are
many different sources of antioxidants, including herbs, vitamins, and
foods. Here are some of the most widely recommended supplements thought to
help prevent cancer by fighting free radicals:
Beta Carotene: Beta carotene is thought to reduce the risk of cancer,
especially lung cancer. Beta carotene is naturally occurring in red and
orange foods such as pumpkin, squash, carrots, and red peppers. Beta
carotene can also be found in dark leafy greens like spinach and kale.
Lutein: Lutein can help prevent colon cancer and encourage good eye health.
Find lutein in dark green vegetables like collard greens, kale and spinach.
Lycopene: Lycopene has been studied for it's prostate cancer preventing
properties. Tomato products are the best sources of lycopene. Studies have
shown that processed tomato products like canned tomatoes, soups and juices
are higher in lycopene than fresh tomatoes.
Vitamin A:Vitamin A, whose most common form is retinol, is a powerful
antioxidant with cancer preventing properties that is found in such foods as
liver, carrots, milk, egg yolk and sweet potatoes.
Vitamin C: Getting enough Vitamin C can help prevent cancers of the mouth,
throat, esophagus, lung and colon. Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits,
berries, broccoli, and even lean poultry, beef and types of fish.
Vitamin E: Vitamin E is thought to prevent certain types of cancer such as
prostate cancer and can be found in foods like green, leafy vegetables,
fortified cereals, wheat germ oil and almonds.
Green Tea: Green tea is a powerful source of free-radical fighting
antioxidants. Drink green tea in it's natural form or try a supplement if
you can't stand the taste.
It's a good idea to eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean
protein and healthy fat like the omegas found in wild salmon. You can add
vitamin supplements to your diet as well. Try a multivitamin that contains
a specialized blend of all the vitamins required for total-body health.
Before adding nutritional supplements to your diet, talk to your doctor or
nutritionist to be sure you take the right dosage and tell them what
medications you are taking to avoid possibly dangerous interactions.
Vitamins and Cancer Prevention
Much has been studied about the role of certain vitamins, minerals and herbs
in cancer prevention. Some of the most promising cancer prevention
properties come from those vitamins that are known as antioxidants.
Antioxidants are substances that protect the body's cells from damage caused
by dangerous free radicals, which can potentially cause cancer. There are
many different sources of antioxidants, including herbs, vitamins, and
foods. Here are some of the most widely recommended supplements thought to
help prevent cancer by fighting free radicals:
Beta Carotene: Beta carotene is thought to reduce the risk of cancer,
especially lung cancer. Beta carotene is naturally occurring in red and
orange foods such as pumpkin, squash, carrots, and red peppers. Beta
carotene can also be found in dark leafy greens like spinach and kale.
Lutein: Lutein can help prevent colon cancer and encourage good eye health.
Find lutein in dark green vegetables like collard greens, kale and spinach.
Lycopene: Lycopene has been studied for it's prostate cancer preventing
properties. Tomato products are the best sources of lycopene. Studies have
shown that processed tomato products like canned tomatoes, soups and juices
are higher in lycopene than fresh tomatoes.
Vitamin A:Vitamin A, whose most common form is retinol, is a powerful
antioxidant with cancer preventing properties that is found in such foods as
liver, carrots, milk, egg yolk and sweet potatoes.
Vitamin C: Getting enough Vitamin C can help prevent cancers of the mouth,
throat, esophagus, lung and colon. Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits,
berries, broccoli, and even lean poultry, beef and types of fish.
Vitamin E: Vitamin E is thought to prevent certain types of cancer such as
prostate cancer and can be found in foods like green, leafy vegetables,
fortified cereals, wheat germ oil and almonds.
Green Tea: Green tea is a powerful source of free-radical fighting
antioxidants. Drink green tea in it's natural form or try a supplement if
you can't stand the taste.
It's a good idea to eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean
protein and healthy fat like the omegas found in wild salmon. You can add
vitamin supplements to your diet as well. Try a multivitamin that contains
a specialized blend of all the vitamins required for total-body health.
Before adding nutritional supplements to your diet, talk to your doctor or
nutritionist to be sure you take the right dosage and tell them what
medications you are taking to avoid possibly dangerous interactions.
in cancer prevention. Some of the most promising cancer prevention
properties come from those vitamins that are known as antioxidants.
Antioxidants are substances that protect the body's cells from damage caused
by dangerous free radicals, which can potentially cause cancer. There are
many different sources of antioxidants, including herbs, vitamins, and
foods. Here are some of the most widely recommended supplements thought to
help prevent cancer by fighting free radicals:
Beta Carotene: Beta carotene is thought to reduce the risk of cancer,
especially lung cancer. Beta carotene is naturally occurring in red and
orange foods such as pumpkin, squash, carrots, and red peppers. Beta
carotene can also be found in dark leafy greens like spinach and kale.
Lutein: Lutein can help prevent colon cancer and encourage good eye health.
Find lutein in dark green vegetables like collard greens, kale and spinach.
Lycopene: Lycopene has been studied for it's prostate cancer preventing
properties. Tomato products are the best sources of lycopene. Studies have
shown that processed tomato products like canned tomatoes, soups and juices
are higher in lycopene than fresh tomatoes.
Vitamin A:Vitamin A, whose most common form is retinol, is a powerful
antioxidant with cancer preventing properties that is found in such foods as
liver, carrots, milk, egg yolk and sweet potatoes.
Vitamin C: Getting enough Vitamin C can help prevent cancers of the mouth,
throat, esophagus, lung and colon. Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits,
berries, broccoli, and even lean poultry, beef and types of fish.
Vitamin E: Vitamin E is thought to prevent certain types of cancer such as
prostate cancer and can be found in foods like green, leafy vegetables,
fortified cereals, wheat germ oil and almonds.
Green Tea: Green tea is a powerful source of free-radical fighting
antioxidants. Drink green tea in it's natural form or try a supplement if
you can't stand the taste.
It's a good idea to eat a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean
protein and healthy fat like the omegas found in wild salmon. You can add
vitamin supplements to your diet as well. Try a multivitamin that contains
a specialized blend of all the vitamins required for total-body health.
Before adding nutritional supplements to your diet, talk to your doctor or
nutritionist to be sure you take the right dosage and tell them what
medications you are taking to avoid possibly dangerous interactions.
8 Steps for a Woman Dancing with Cancer
1 Submit. Give up. Make room for the miracle.
2 Inform yourself. Listen to your intuition. Examine all the options, but only use what feels right to you.
3 Accept support. Surround yourself with loving friends, healing music, special colors, prayer and affirmation. Create a ceremony of healing/wholing and invite your supporters.
4 Anoint your breast(s) with healing herbal oils such as calendula, dandelion, or poke. Visualize healing energies suffusing your tissues.
5 Maximize the healthy qualities of your diet:
Use organic olive oil and butter to the exclusion of other fats.
Increase your use of beans, especially lentils, and fermented foods such as yogurt, sauerkraut, miso, tamari, homemade wines and beers.
Include immune building and anticancer herbs in your diet:
- Daily use of a nourishing infusion, especially red clover flower or burdock root or violet leaf infusions.
- Daily use of fresh herb vinegars, especially yellow dock, burdock, and dandelion root vinegars.
- Frequent use of a long-cooked soup containing seaweed (such as kombu or wakame), astragalus root, and medicinal mushrooms (reishi, shiitake, puffballs, etc).
6 Increase you exercise level. Take a yoga or tai chi class weekly. Walk daily. Get a weekly massage. Pamper yourself with activity.
7 Use drugs (chemotherapy, tamoxifen, anesthesia, pain killers) as required but:
- consider a short trial of a powerful herb such as poke root before resorting to drugs; and
- always combine drug use with complementary herbs. For instance, protect the liver with milk thistle seed tincture.
8 Use radiation and surgery as needed but:
- always combine with complementary herbs; and
- be willing to set limits that you feel comfortable with - they can't take your lymph glands if you say "No."
2 Inform yourself. Listen to your intuition. Examine all the options, but only use what feels right to you.
3 Accept support. Surround yourself with loving friends, healing music, special colors, prayer and affirmation. Create a ceremony of healing/wholing and invite your supporters.
4 Anoint your breast(s) with healing herbal oils such as calendula, dandelion, or poke. Visualize healing energies suffusing your tissues.
5 Maximize the healthy qualities of your diet:
Use organic olive oil and butter to the exclusion of other fats.
Increase your use of beans, especially lentils, and fermented foods such as yogurt, sauerkraut, miso, tamari, homemade wines and beers.
Include immune building and anticancer herbs in your diet:
- Daily use of a nourishing infusion, especially red clover flower or burdock root or violet leaf infusions.
- Daily use of fresh herb vinegars, especially yellow dock, burdock, and dandelion root vinegars.
- Frequent use of a long-cooked soup containing seaweed (such as kombu or wakame), astragalus root, and medicinal mushrooms (reishi, shiitake, puffballs, etc).
6 Increase you exercise level. Take a yoga or tai chi class weekly. Walk daily. Get a weekly massage. Pamper yourself with activity.
7 Use drugs (chemotherapy, tamoxifen, anesthesia, pain killers) as required but:
- consider a short trial of a powerful herb such as poke root before resorting to drugs; and
- always combine drug use with complementary herbs. For instance, protect the liver with milk thistle seed tincture.
8 Use radiation and surgery as needed but:
- always combine with complementary herbs; and
- be willing to set limits that you feel comfortable with - they can't take your lymph glands if you say "No."
Cancer - The Missing Point
If one were to judge by television advertising and news reports, it would seem that the â€Å“war on cancer†is all but won. What are the weapons being heralded? Drugs, research, tests and exams. They miss the point.
â€Å“Prevention†is promoted as meaning catching the disease early. Really. That also misses the point. Is it â€Å“prevention†if you call 911 when you come home and see smoke billowing from all your windows? Do we just live with a carpe diem philosophy and wait for the doctor to tell us we have a lump in our breast or a swollen nodular prostate? Is the cause of cancer a lack of one of the new cancer drugs? Is the cause of cancer really unknown, requiring endless research?
First, let me put to rest the propaganda that the war is being won. Since President Nixon declared the war (1971) and after over 200 billion dollars have been spent on research (remember, one billion is a thousand million), more Americans will die of cancer in the next 14 months than have died in all U.S. wars ever fought combined! (Where are the protest marches?) Soon, cancer will overtake heart disease as the number one killer.
Decades ago, early in the war, there were some dramatic successes such as with Hodgkin's disease and some forms of childhood leukemia. There can be little doubt that debunking (surgical removal) of large cancers brings benefits. But the big killers such as colorectal, lung, prostate and breast cancer remain as threatening as ever. Survival gains are measured primarily in additional months (not years) added to life, not in cures. The placebo effect is by and large ignored. (People getting a sugar pill placebo in cancer studies have been known to lose their hair and some actually cure themselves by simply thinking they will be cured.) A percentage of people can experience remissions spontaneously and from simple lifestyle adjustments, but the cancer therapy is always credited with the cure.
"Placebo Learning: The Placebo Effect as a Conditioned Response," 1985; 2(1):23.
O'Regan B, et al. 1993. Spontaneous Remission: An Annotated Bibliography. Sausalito, CA.
Talbot M. 1991. The Holographic Universe. New York. Harper Collins Publishers
Townsend Letter, 2004; 251:32-3 http://www.townsendletter.com/June2004/June2004.htm
Statistics can always be massaged to create the result desired. This practice is rampant in cancer research. Animal models (euphemism for real living and feeling caged creatures being tortured by the millions) do not prove effectiveness across species boundaries to humans. Neither do laboratory cell lines. That's why all the "breakthroughs" based on tumor shrinkage never pan out. For-profit drug companies and National Cancer Institute grant-based research ignore metastases (the spreading cells of cancer through the body) in their positive reports. Instead they highlight and focus on more easily obtained lab results, such as "tumor shrinkage,†and on easily manipulated clinical data such as "five-year survival."
Twelve new "improved" drugs introduced in Europe between 1995 and 2000 were no better than the drugs they replaced. But the prices were all higher, in one instance by a factor of 350 times. One new "revolutionary" drug, Erbituxâ„¢, found to "shrink" tumors but not extend the lives of patients at all costs $2,400 per week. Avastinâ„¢, another costly chemotherapeutic, by the best calculation, extended the lives of 400 colorectal patients by 4.7 months. Tamoxifinâ„¢ is proven to be effective in decreasing breast cancer. Risk is decreased by about 15% but what is not equally heralded is the fact that it increased the risk of endometrial uterine cancer by about 15%. (Patient Information: Nolvadex, Zeneca Pharmaceuticals)
Are such results worth the financial devastation and miserable life that chemotherapy, radiation and surgery impose? Is that the way to spend one's remaining days? If such therapy does add a couple of months, are those couple of months really worth the poking, prodding, pain, unrelenting nausea, disfiguring, destruction of the immune system and increased susceptibility to other diseases? "Yes" would be a hard answer to justify.
In the face of a cancer diagnosis most people just throw up their hands in terror and surrender to the conventional cancer therapy death process. The feeling is that something must be done, and, since "doctors know best," one must begin the "fight" by following the advice of the doctor. But fighting does not mean surrendering to the will of another person who has their own personal agenda and narrowed field of view dictated by the club they belong to. That misses the point. You must do something.
Here's the on-point best approach:
1. Prevention means adjusting your life right now so that you are living in tune with your design. Cancer is, quite simply, the reaction of cells subjected long enough to an environment they are not designed for. The genetic apparatus loses its bearings, becomes insane, if you will, and regresses to embryonic infancy and just begins multiplying recklessly. What is the proper environment? It is that food, air, water and lifestyle you are genetically designed for. The proper healthy preventive living context is encapsulated in the Wysong Optimal Health Programâ„¢.
2. If you get cancer, don't panic. First thing is follow #1 advice. Learn. Gather as much information as you can from all resources, not just what the medical establishment provides. We try to gather such information for you in:
The Wysong Directory of Alternative Resources http://www.wysong.net/page/WOTTPWS/PROD/EDUAIDS/MM028
3. Think about what has happened in your life that has caused the disease. It is caused, it does not just happen. Correct your life.
4. You take control of your own body and you make the decisions. Determine to set right what is wrong and do it. Taking control is essential to not feeling like a helpless victim and sinking into hopeless despair – a sure mindset to speed the disease along.
5. Think long and hard before submitting to unproven cancer therapies. If the doctor cannot prove effectiveness (at least prove that you will be better off with the therapy than without) and if you are not willing to take the risk of all the contraindications, then don't submit because you think it is "all that can be done." It isn't. See #2 above.
All good things in life are hard. In our modern world, good health takes effort and attention. Preventing and reversing disease also takes effort – your effort. Begin today to take charge of your health and be the best you can be. Most chronic degenerative diseases have long latency periods, the time between when the disease begins and it manifests in overt symptoms. Most everyone reading this has such disease brewing within at this very moment. So take advantage of the window of opportunity and give your body a chance by living the life you were designed to live. That will not only prevent disease from gaining a foothold, but reverse disease that is incubating within.
Dr. Wysong is a former veterinary clinician and surgeon, college instructor in human anatomy, physiology and the origin of life, inventor of numerous medical, surgical, nutritional, athletic and fitness products and devices, research director for the present company by his name and founder of the philanthropic Wysong Institute. He is author of The Creation-Evolution Controversy now in its eleventh printing, a new two volume set on philosophy for living entitled Thinking Matters: 1-Living Life... As If Thinking Matters; 2-The Big Questions...As If Thinking Matters, several books on nutrition, prevention and health for people and animals and over 18 years of monthly health newsletters. He may be contacted at Wysong@Wysong.net and a free subscription to his e-Health Letter is available at http://www.wysong.net. Also check out http://www.cerealwysong.com
â€Å“Prevention†is promoted as meaning catching the disease early. Really. That also misses the point. Is it â€Å“prevention†if you call 911 when you come home and see smoke billowing from all your windows? Do we just live with a carpe diem philosophy and wait for the doctor to tell us we have a lump in our breast or a swollen nodular prostate? Is the cause of cancer a lack of one of the new cancer drugs? Is the cause of cancer really unknown, requiring endless research?
First, let me put to rest the propaganda that the war is being won. Since President Nixon declared the war (1971) and after over 200 billion dollars have been spent on research (remember, one billion is a thousand million), more Americans will die of cancer in the next 14 months than have died in all U.S. wars ever fought combined! (Where are the protest marches?) Soon, cancer will overtake heart disease as the number one killer.
Decades ago, early in the war, there were some dramatic successes such as with Hodgkin's disease and some forms of childhood leukemia. There can be little doubt that debunking (surgical removal) of large cancers brings benefits. But the big killers such as colorectal, lung, prostate and breast cancer remain as threatening as ever. Survival gains are measured primarily in additional months (not years) added to life, not in cures. The placebo effect is by and large ignored. (People getting a sugar pill placebo in cancer studies have been known to lose their hair and some actually cure themselves by simply thinking they will be cured.) A percentage of people can experience remissions spontaneously and from simple lifestyle adjustments, but the cancer therapy is always credited with the cure.
"Placebo Learning: The Placebo Effect as a Conditioned Response," 1985; 2(1):23.
O'Regan B, et al. 1993. Spontaneous Remission: An Annotated Bibliography. Sausalito, CA.
Talbot M. 1991. The Holographic Universe. New York. Harper Collins Publishers
Townsend Letter, 2004; 251:32-3 http://www.townsendletter.com/June2004/June2004.htm
Statistics can always be massaged to create the result desired. This practice is rampant in cancer research. Animal models (euphemism for real living and feeling caged creatures being tortured by the millions) do not prove effectiveness across species boundaries to humans. Neither do laboratory cell lines. That's why all the "breakthroughs" based on tumor shrinkage never pan out. For-profit drug companies and National Cancer Institute grant-based research ignore metastases (the spreading cells of cancer through the body) in their positive reports. Instead they highlight and focus on more easily obtained lab results, such as "tumor shrinkage,†and on easily manipulated clinical data such as "five-year survival."
Twelve new "improved" drugs introduced in Europe between 1995 and 2000 were no better than the drugs they replaced. But the prices were all higher, in one instance by a factor of 350 times. One new "revolutionary" drug, Erbituxâ„¢, found to "shrink" tumors but not extend the lives of patients at all costs $2,400 per week. Avastinâ„¢, another costly chemotherapeutic, by the best calculation, extended the lives of 400 colorectal patients by 4.7 months. Tamoxifinâ„¢ is proven to be effective in decreasing breast cancer. Risk is decreased by about 15% but what is not equally heralded is the fact that it increased the risk of endometrial uterine cancer by about 15%. (Patient Information: Nolvadex, Zeneca Pharmaceuticals)
Are such results worth the financial devastation and miserable life that chemotherapy, radiation and surgery impose? Is that the way to spend one's remaining days? If such therapy does add a couple of months, are those couple of months really worth the poking, prodding, pain, unrelenting nausea, disfiguring, destruction of the immune system and increased susceptibility to other diseases? "Yes" would be a hard answer to justify.
In the face of a cancer diagnosis most people just throw up their hands in terror and surrender to the conventional cancer therapy death process. The feeling is that something must be done, and, since "doctors know best," one must begin the "fight" by following the advice of the doctor. But fighting does not mean surrendering to the will of another person who has their own personal agenda and narrowed field of view dictated by the club they belong to. That misses the point. You must do something.
Here's the on-point best approach:
1. Prevention means adjusting your life right now so that you are living in tune with your design. Cancer is, quite simply, the reaction of cells subjected long enough to an environment they are not designed for. The genetic apparatus loses its bearings, becomes insane, if you will, and regresses to embryonic infancy and just begins multiplying recklessly. What is the proper environment? It is that food, air, water and lifestyle you are genetically designed for. The proper healthy preventive living context is encapsulated in the Wysong Optimal Health Programâ„¢.
2. If you get cancer, don't panic. First thing is follow #1 advice. Learn. Gather as much information as you can from all resources, not just what the medical establishment provides. We try to gather such information for you in:
The Wysong Directory of Alternative Resources http://www.wysong.net/page/WOTTPWS/PROD/EDUAIDS/MM028
3. Think about what has happened in your life that has caused the disease. It is caused, it does not just happen. Correct your life.
4. You take control of your own body and you make the decisions. Determine to set right what is wrong and do it. Taking control is essential to not feeling like a helpless victim and sinking into hopeless despair – a sure mindset to speed the disease along.
5. Think long and hard before submitting to unproven cancer therapies. If the doctor cannot prove effectiveness (at least prove that you will be better off with the therapy than without) and if you are not willing to take the risk of all the contraindications, then don't submit because you think it is "all that can be done." It isn't. See #2 above.
All good things in life are hard. In our modern world, good health takes effort and attention. Preventing and reversing disease also takes effort – your effort. Begin today to take charge of your health and be the best you can be. Most chronic degenerative diseases have long latency periods, the time between when the disease begins and it manifests in overt symptoms. Most everyone reading this has such disease brewing within at this very moment. So take advantage of the window of opportunity and give your body a chance by living the life you were designed to live. That will not only prevent disease from gaining a foothold, but reverse disease that is incubating within.
Dr. Wysong is a former veterinary clinician and surgeon, college instructor in human anatomy, physiology and the origin of life, inventor of numerous medical, surgical, nutritional, athletic and fitness products and devices, research director for the present company by his name and founder of the philanthropic Wysong Institute. He is author of The Creation-Evolution Controversy now in its eleventh printing, a new two volume set on philosophy for living entitled Thinking Matters: 1-Living Life... As If Thinking Matters; 2-The Big Questions...As If Thinking Matters, several books on nutrition, prevention and health for people and animals and over 18 years of monthly health newsletters. He may be contacted at Wysong@Wysong.net and a free subscription to his e-Health Letter is available at http://www.wysong.net. Also check out http://www.cerealwysong.com
Proper Skin Care Treatment for Common Conditions
There are major benefits to having radiant skin. When you have beautiful skin you will stand out among other people. The healthiness inside your body is also included in having good skin.
For those who suffer from skin diseases you should do proper skin care treatment. Proper treatment is a must if you have any skin disease. Proper treatment are procedures that target and successfully stop skin disorders.
On the preventive side you should develop a good skin care routine. A good routine will help prevent skin disorders from taking place. However, skin care routines don̢۪t guarantee you won̢۪t get skin disorders but it does mean you will have a decreased chance of having skin disorders develop.
The following are some treatment procedures for common skin disorders.
The most common skin dilemma is acne. Prevention is the best thing in treating acne. Before acne becomes more damaging you should stop it. There are three things you can do to avoid further acne breakouts.
1. Don̢۪t wear tight clothes since they will keep sweat closer to your body. Acne will become worse or hurt more when sweat comes in contact with it.
2. Don̢۪t touch an area infected with acne with your bare hands. Germs will be drawn to your hands and then you will spread the germs which can make the acne infection worse.
3. To prevent permanent scars from occurring your shouldn̢۪t squeeze out your acne.
Weather, harmful skin care substances, exposure to the sun and other environmental factors can cause anybody to have dry skin. Dry skin can be a big problem. To prevent dry skin from happening you can use moisturizers. It is best to apply moisturizers while your skin is still moist after you bath. Only use the recommended amount of the moisturizers. Consult a dermatologist if your skin condition doesn̢۪t improve.
When certain parts of your skin are exposed to harmful rays from the sun or UV radiation then you get dark spots that are known as brown spots. Lotions that contain sun protection factor or SPF are the cure for this skin condition. Whether it is sunny or not when you are going outside you should use SPF lotions. Even when the weather is humid there are UV rays. You can determine the level of SPF lotion you need by finding out how long you will be out under the sun. You will need higher skin protection if you are going to be out under the sun for longer periods of time. If you use a higher level of protection you won̢۪t have to continuously reapply the lotion. Caps, long sleeves and umbrellas are other options you can use to avoid UV rays.
If your skin condition doesn̢۪t improve through the use of over the counter products then you should consult a dermatologist. When you speak with your dermatologist you should tell them about your skin condition as well as what remedies you have already tried. They will then be able to analyze your skin and recommend the appropriate medication for your condition.
For those who suffer from skin diseases you should do proper skin care treatment. Proper treatment is a must if you have any skin disease. Proper treatment are procedures that target and successfully stop skin disorders.
On the preventive side you should develop a good skin care routine. A good routine will help prevent skin disorders from taking place. However, skin care routines don̢۪t guarantee you won̢۪t get skin disorders but it does mean you will have a decreased chance of having skin disorders develop.
The following are some treatment procedures for common skin disorders.
The most common skin dilemma is acne. Prevention is the best thing in treating acne. Before acne becomes more damaging you should stop it. There are three things you can do to avoid further acne breakouts.
1. Don̢۪t wear tight clothes since they will keep sweat closer to your body. Acne will become worse or hurt more when sweat comes in contact with it.
2. Don̢۪t touch an area infected with acne with your bare hands. Germs will be drawn to your hands and then you will spread the germs which can make the acne infection worse.
3. To prevent permanent scars from occurring your shouldn̢۪t squeeze out your acne.
Weather, harmful skin care substances, exposure to the sun and other environmental factors can cause anybody to have dry skin. Dry skin can be a big problem. To prevent dry skin from happening you can use moisturizers. It is best to apply moisturizers while your skin is still moist after you bath. Only use the recommended amount of the moisturizers. Consult a dermatologist if your skin condition doesn̢۪t improve.
When certain parts of your skin are exposed to harmful rays from the sun or UV radiation then you get dark spots that are known as brown spots. Lotions that contain sun protection factor or SPF are the cure for this skin condition. Whether it is sunny or not when you are going outside you should use SPF lotions. Even when the weather is humid there are UV rays. You can determine the level of SPF lotion you need by finding out how long you will be out under the sun. You will need higher skin protection if you are going to be out under the sun for longer periods of time. If you use a higher level of protection you won̢۪t have to continuously reapply the lotion. Caps, long sleeves and umbrellas are other options you can use to avoid UV rays.
If your skin condition doesn̢۪t improve through the use of over the counter products then you should consult a dermatologist. When you speak with your dermatologist you should tell them about your skin condition as well as what remedies you have already tried. They will then be able to analyze your skin and recommend the appropriate medication for your condition.
Fruits for Summer: Summer Skin Care
Summer is the time when we sweat highly and beating the heat is always high on our agenda. So, we move on to aerated drinks or other beverages. But what we tend to ignore is that we can fight the heat in a much healthier way. That is, through FRUITS. Fruits not only provide us with the required fluids but also the electrolytes which we lose while sweating.
Excess of dehydration can cause headaches, dizziness, loss of concentration and muscle cramping. So to counter that, Summer provides us with a larger variety of fruits so that we can make up the lost fluids and electrolytes. Here is the list of some highly beneficial fruits specially in summers.
1) Watermelon: Watermelon is the best cooler for the body specially in summers as it is high in water. It is rich in Calcium too. The word "watermelon" itslef brings water in our mouth.
2) Apples: Apples are one of the best source for fibre. Besides that, skin of the apple has antioxidant flavonoids which reduces free radical damage.
3) Muskmelon: Muskmelon with its unique property of rehydrating of body is considered one of the best fruits for summers. Besides being rich in water, it also provides body with Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Iron, Sodium and Potassium.
4) Berry family is always high on the list of fruits for summer. This family is again high in fibre and vitamin C. Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries come under the wide roof of berry family. They are also good for diabetics too. Also, they aid in Weight Loss.
5) Mangoes: No one can resist Mangoes in summer. They would be undoubtly the king of summer fruits. They are rich in fibre, beta-carotene and vitamin C.
6) Banana: Last but not the least: Banana helps keep your system cool. Prefer taking bananas in breakfast.
Excess of dehydration can cause headaches, dizziness, loss of concentration and muscle cramping. So to counter that, Summer provides us with a larger variety of fruits so that we can make up the lost fluids and electrolytes. Here is the list of some highly beneficial fruits specially in summers.
1) Watermelon: Watermelon is the best cooler for the body specially in summers as it is high in water. It is rich in Calcium too. The word "watermelon" itslef brings water in our mouth.
2) Apples: Apples are one of the best source for fibre. Besides that, skin of the apple has antioxidant flavonoids which reduces free radical damage.
3) Muskmelon: Muskmelon with its unique property of rehydrating of body is considered one of the best fruits for summers. Besides being rich in water, it also provides body with Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Iron, Sodium and Potassium.
4) Berry family is always high on the list of fruits for summer. This family is again high in fibre and vitamin C. Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries come under the wide roof of berry family. They are also good for diabetics too. Also, they aid in Weight Loss.
5) Mangoes: No one can resist Mangoes in summer. They would be undoubtly the king of summer fruits. They are rich in fibre, beta-carotene and vitamin C.
6) Banana: Last but not the least: Banana helps keep your system cool. Prefer taking bananas in breakfast.
Facing Sun Effects
A secret has been revealed in the news over the past few weeks. I was a part of that secret. What was the secret you ask? Men are now using skin care products as a part of their daily activities!
I started a few months ago due to something I learned about myself. I had my picture taken. Not just a standard picture. I had my picture taken with a special ultraviolet camera and light that shows damaged skin due to excessive sun exposure. First they took a picture of my face with standard light. Although not a flattering picture, it looked like I expected. Then they took a picture of my face with the ultraviolet light. What did I look like? I looked like I had a face FULL of freckles. Only these freckles weren't the cute ones that would have showed up in the first picture. They showed that I have a significant amount of sun damage. I guess my early years of working and playing outside all summer long with little or no sun protection is catching up with me.
It is common knowledge that sun damaged skin will cause premature signs of aging skin (wrinkling, "leathery" appearance and feel, etc.) as well as being a cause of skin cancer. So, I decided to do something about it. One of those things is to take better care of my skin. I am using skin care products that have a sunscreen built in. These same products also contain enzymes that can help speed cell renewal in sun damaged skin.
Yes, the secret is out. I am using skin care products every day. My wife says my complexion is also better because of it. I look forward to having my picture taken in the future. Maybe my complexion isn't the only thing that is improving.
I started a few months ago due to something I learned about myself. I had my picture taken. Not just a standard picture. I had my picture taken with a special ultraviolet camera and light that shows damaged skin due to excessive sun exposure. First they took a picture of my face with standard light. Although not a flattering picture, it looked like I expected. Then they took a picture of my face with the ultraviolet light. What did I look like? I looked like I had a face FULL of freckles. Only these freckles weren't the cute ones that would have showed up in the first picture. They showed that I have a significant amount of sun damage. I guess my early years of working and playing outside all summer long with little or no sun protection is catching up with me.
It is common knowledge that sun damaged skin will cause premature signs of aging skin (wrinkling, "leathery" appearance and feel, etc.) as well as being a cause of skin cancer. So, I decided to do something about it. One of those things is to take better care of my skin. I am using skin care products that have a sunscreen built in. These same products also contain enzymes that can help speed cell renewal in sun damaged skin.
Yes, the secret is out. I am using skin care products every day. My wife says my complexion is also better because of it. I look forward to having my picture taken in the future. Maybe my complexion isn't the only thing that is improving.
Essential oils benefit against a wide variety of skin infections.
Essential Oils are extracted from plants, trees, seeds, flowers, petals, stems, roots, bark, or even the whole plant. Today, about 200 different types of oils are being distilled with several thousand chemical constituents and aromatic molecules that have been identified and registered. These aromatic Substances and compounds within the oils will alter and change based on weather conditions, climate, temperatures, and distillation factors. Today, 98 percent of essential oils are used in the perfume and cosmetic industry.
All organic essential oils help to balance emotions to some degree and are known for their stimulating and uplifting and relaxing properties. On the intellectual level, they can revive a tired mind and stimulate memory. Besides, all essential oils appear to be antiseptic and anti-bacterial which helps in the treatment of viral infections. All pure essential oils have the ability to reduce stress, stimulate sluggish circulation and boost the immune system.
Essential oils can be applied in various forms to produce the necessary results. To apply these oils to the skin, topically, one only needs to take a few drops of them and put them in sensitive areas that can best benefit from their bio-electrical frequencies. The toes and the nape of the neck are two such places good for the use of many oils. The amount to apply can be variable, but usually between one and three or four drops is best.
How do Essential Oils work?
Essential Oil can benefit many systems of the body and affect each one differently. They work on an emotional level, on a physiological level, and an energetic level. It is all interconnected. Aromatherapy essential oils affect the mind, body and spirit, and offer a holistic approach to supporting and sustaining the body.
Essential oils enter the body in two ways. They can be:
- Applied to the skin
- Inhaled
- Applied to the skin
Essential oils are composed of tiny molecules which are easily dissolved in alcohol, emulsifiers and fats. This allows them to penetrate the skin easily and work into the body by mixing with the fatty tissue.
- Inhaled
Another way that essential oils enter the body is by inhalation either through the nose or mouth. Common examples include inhaling eucalyptus essential oil when you have a cough or inhaling peppermint essential oil to reduce fatigue or nausea. Thus in an aromatherapy treatment the essential oils are able to enhance both your physical and psychological well-being at the same time.
Benefits of Essential Oils
Essential Oil are becoming more popular all the time with the new age of alternative health care. From earliest nation aromatic plans have been used for their healing, cosmetic and fragrance effects. Today we are enjoying a renaissance in their use realizing both their gentleness and effectiveness.
Essential oils help manage stress and promote relaxation.
Essential oils are highly active against bacteria, fungi and viruses with better skin penetration powers than conventional antibiotics. They can therefore be of excellent benefit against a wide variety of skin infections.
Essential oils balance sebum production and are therefore excellent for treating all skin types, dry, oily, combination and normal.
Essential oils are antiseptic. Essential oils have been shown to destroy all tested bacteria and virus while simultaneously restoring balance to the body.
By helping improve assimilation of nutrients at the cellular level and providing much needed oxygen, essential oils may help stimulate the immune system.
Essential oils contain building blocks to good health, including minerals and amino acids.
Essential oils have the ability to digest toxic chemicals in the body.
Essential oils stimulate enzymatic activity, supporting digestive health.
Essential oils are powerful antioxidants. Antioxidants create an unfriendly environment for free radicals, thus helping to prevent mutations. As free radical scavengers, they also may help prevent fungus growth and oxidation in the cells.
Essential oils are shown to detoxify cells and blood in the body.
Essential oils are aromatic. When diffused, they provide air purification by: - Removing metallic particles and toxins from the air;
- Increasing atmospheric oxygen;
- Increasing ozone and negative ions in the area, which inhibits bacterial growth;
- Destroying odors from mold, cigarettes, and animals.
- Filling the air with a fresh, aromatic scent.
Essential oils promote overall health, vitality, and longevity.
All organic essential oils help to balance emotions to some degree and are known for their stimulating and uplifting and relaxing properties. On the intellectual level, they can revive a tired mind and stimulate memory. Besides, all essential oils appear to be antiseptic and anti-bacterial which helps in the treatment of viral infections. All pure essential oils have the ability to reduce stress, stimulate sluggish circulation and boost the immune system.
Essential oils can be applied in various forms to produce the necessary results. To apply these oils to the skin, topically, one only needs to take a few drops of them and put them in sensitive areas that can best benefit from their bio-electrical frequencies. The toes and the nape of the neck are two such places good for the use of many oils. The amount to apply can be variable, but usually between one and three or four drops is best.
How do Essential Oils work?
Essential Oil can benefit many systems of the body and affect each one differently. They work on an emotional level, on a physiological level, and an energetic level. It is all interconnected. Aromatherapy essential oils affect the mind, body and spirit, and offer a holistic approach to supporting and sustaining the body.
Essential oils enter the body in two ways. They can be:
- Applied to the skin
- Inhaled
- Applied to the skin
Essential oils are composed of tiny molecules which are easily dissolved in alcohol, emulsifiers and fats. This allows them to penetrate the skin easily and work into the body by mixing with the fatty tissue.
- Inhaled
Another way that essential oils enter the body is by inhalation either through the nose or mouth. Common examples include inhaling eucalyptus essential oil when you have a cough or inhaling peppermint essential oil to reduce fatigue or nausea. Thus in an aromatherapy treatment the essential oils are able to enhance both your physical and psychological well-being at the same time.
Benefits of Essential Oils
Essential Oil are becoming more popular all the time with the new age of alternative health care. From earliest nation aromatic plans have been used for their healing, cosmetic and fragrance effects. Today we are enjoying a renaissance in their use realizing both their gentleness and effectiveness.
Essential oils help manage stress and promote relaxation.
Essential oils are highly active against bacteria, fungi and viruses with better skin penetration powers than conventional antibiotics. They can therefore be of excellent benefit against a wide variety of skin infections.
Essential oils balance sebum production and are therefore excellent for treating all skin types, dry, oily, combination and normal.
Essential oils are antiseptic. Essential oils have been shown to destroy all tested bacteria and virus while simultaneously restoring balance to the body.
By helping improve assimilation of nutrients at the cellular level and providing much needed oxygen, essential oils may help stimulate the immune system.
Essential oils contain building blocks to good health, including minerals and amino acids.
Essential oils have the ability to digest toxic chemicals in the body.
Essential oils stimulate enzymatic activity, supporting digestive health.
Essential oils are powerful antioxidants. Antioxidants create an unfriendly environment for free radicals, thus helping to prevent mutations. As free radical scavengers, they also may help prevent fungus growth and oxidation in the cells.
Essential oils are shown to detoxify cells and blood in the body.
Essential oils are aromatic. When diffused, they provide air purification by: - Removing metallic particles and toxins from the air;
- Increasing atmospheric oxygen;
- Increasing ozone and negative ions in the area, which inhibits bacterial growth;
- Destroying odors from mold, cigarettes, and animals.
- Filling the air with a fresh, aromatic scent.
Essential oils promote overall health, vitality, and longevity.
8 Tips for a Healthy and shining Skin
Tip 1: Drink Water
Water has long been considered as the most efficient natural treatment or an almost free treatment for any skin condition because of its being alkaline, with pH 7.3. It prevents dehydration which is capable of producing sebum or oil from the sebaceous glands. Your skin needs water in order for it to function best, thus doctors and nutritionists suggest that a daily intake of between 6 to 8 glasses of water per day is highly needed.
Tip 2: Watch Your Diet
Nutrition plays a vital role in skin health too. Specific foods such as those acidic foods and dairy products are said to be effective in causing an allergic reaction in some people. Also, one of the widely debated topics in the area of nutrition today is chocolates. Some say that chocolate does affect the condition of the skin, while others say it doesn̢۪t. Whatever the result may be, the best advice is just to follow a nutritious diet that has a number of fresh fruits and green-leafy veggies, as well as fiber.
Tip 3: Consider Exfoliants
Many experts say that exfoliating your skin is another great way to attain a beautiful skin. So, try to invest in a good body exfoliant or â€Å“loofahâ€, as it is commonly called, as it is capable of eliminating the dead skin cells from your body. Accordingly, this should be done once or twice a week so to free the skin to breathe. What’s more, exfoliants help to put off ingrown hair from developing.
However, it is essential to avoid using any body exfoliant on the skin on the face. The main reason for this precaution is that the facial tissue is more sensitive and finer than those tissues of the body.
Tip 4: Consider a Healthy Routine for Facial Care
When it comes to facial skin care, getting into a healthy beauty routine is not bad. Most of the doctors today greatly suggest that you cleanse, moisturize and tone your skin twice every day. When cleaning, never fail to remember cleaning the area on the neck, including your face. Apply a moisturizer or neck cream after.
Before going to bed at night, always bear in mind to remove all make up. Clean your skin before you sleep, no matter how tired you may feel. It was found out that during the night, the skin goes through a process of elimination and cannot breathe properly if it is clogged with make up. And, you may also find out that sleeping with your make up on will cause your skin to â€Å“break out†with spots on it.
When it comes to shaving for men, some men may experience shaving rashes. For many, these rashes lower their self-esteem, but this is actually not a big problem to think about. There are a lot ways to avoid rashes. Perhaps one of the best is to make sure that when shaving, the razor strokes are following the direction of hair growth. That̢۪s simply it!
Tip 5: Heal Your Feet
When it comes to skin care, the feet are often neglected. So, if care you found no time for a professional pedicure, try to fill a football or basin with warm water and add your favorite essential oil. Soak your feet for about fifteen minutes. Then, dry them and apply a rough skin remover onto them. Rinse this off and dry you feet well. And, if you consider pedicure, simply add some body cream to your feet for an easy and quick fix pedicure.
Tip 6: Avoid Too Much Exposure to the Sun
One of the most common precautions when it comes to skin care is avoiding too much exposure to the sun. As you may know, over exposure to sunlight causes sunburn. So, while current sun blocks only block out the UVB rays and still let in harmful UVA rays, it is still wise to cover up before venturing into the hands of Apollo. If possible, use a wide brimmed hat while tending your garden to keep the sun from your face.
Tip 7: Exercise
Aside from considering a healthy diet, exercising your body also helps keep your skin healthy. Note that a proper exercise does not only keep the body fit by regulating the oxygen; it also improves the glow of the skin as well.
Tip 8: Take Enough Rest
One common problem that face people is stress; the one which is not normal. It was found out that when a person is stressed, the adrenal cortex converts adrenal androgens to the hormone testosterone in male and female, which in turn results in overactive sebaceous glands. These adrenal androgens are released causing a double amount of testosterone, causing the face to be oily, while other areas of the body are still dry from dehydration. So, taking proper rest that includes 6 to 8 hours of undisturbed sleep daily is the best way to rejuvenate the skin.
Water has long been considered as the most efficient natural treatment or an almost free treatment for any skin condition because of its being alkaline, with pH 7.3. It prevents dehydration which is capable of producing sebum or oil from the sebaceous glands. Your skin needs water in order for it to function best, thus doctors and nutritionists suggest that a daily intake of between 6 to 8 glasses of water per day is highly needed.
Tip 2: Watch Your Diet
Nutrition plays a vital role in skin health too. Specific foods such as those acidic foods and dairy products are said to be effective in causing an allergic reaction in some people. Also, one of the widely debated topics in the area of nutrition today is chocolates. Some say that chocolate does affect the condition of the skin, while others say it doesn̢۪t. Whatever the result may be, the best advice is just to follow a nutritious diet that has a number of fresh fruits and green-leafy veggies, as well as fiber.
Tip 3: Consider Exfoliants
Many experts say that exfoliating your skin is another great way to attain a beautiful skin. So, try to invest in a good body exfoliant or â€Å“loofahâ€, as it is commonly called, as it is capable of eliminating the dead skin cells from your body. Accordingly, this should be done once or twice a week so to free the skin to breathe. What’s more, exfoliants help to put off ingrown hair from developing.
However, it is essential to avoid using any body exfoliant on the skin on the face. The main reason for this precaution is that the facial tissue is more sensitive and finer than those tissues of the body.
Tip 4: Consider a Healthy Routine for Facial Care
When it comes to facial skin care, getting into a healthy beauty routine is not bad. Most of the doctors today greatly suggest that you cleanse, moisturize and tone your skin twice every day. When cleaning, never fail to remember cleaning the area on the neck, including your face. Apply a moisturizer or neck cream after.
Before going to bed at night, always bear in mind to remove all make up. Clean your skin before you sleep, no matter how tired you may feel. It was found out that during the night, the skin goes through a process of elimination and cannot breathe properly if it is clogged with make up. And, you may also find out that sleeping with your make up on will cause your skin to â€Å“break out†with spots on it.
When it comes to shaving for men, some men may experience shaving rashes. For many, these rashes lower their self-esteem, but this is actually not a big problem to think about. There are a lot ways to avoid rashes. Perhaps one of the best is to make sure that when shaving, the razor strokes are following the direction of hair growth. That̢۪s simply it!
Tip 5: Heal Your Feet
When it comes to skin care, the feet are often neglected. So, if care you found no time for a professional pedicure, try to fill a football or basin with warm water and add your favorite essential oil. Soak your feet for about fifteen minutes. Then, dry them and apply a rough skin remover onto them. Rinse this off and dry you feet well. And, if you consider pedicure, simply add some body cream to your feet for an easy and quick fix pedicure.
Tip 6: Avoid Too Much Exposure to the Sun
One of the most common precautions when it comes to skin care is avoiding too much exposure to the sun. As you may know, over exposure to sunlight causes sunburn. So, while current sun blocks only block out the UVB rays and still let in harmful UVA rays, it is still wise to cover up before venturing into the hands of Apollo. If possible, use a wide brimmed hat while tending your garden to keep the sun from your face.
Tip 7: Exercise
Aside from considering a healthy diet, exercising your body also helps keep your skin healthy. Note that a proper exercise does not only keep the body fit by regulating the oxygen; it also improves the glow of the skin as well.
Tip 8: Take Enough Rest
One common problem that face people is stress; the one which is not normal. It was found out that when a person is stressed, the adrenal cortex converts adrenal androgens to the hormone testosterone in male and female, which in turn results in overactive sebaceous glands. These adrenal androgens are released causing a double amount of testosterone, causing the face to be oily, while other areas of the body are still dry from dehydration. So, taking proper rest that includes 6 to 8 hours of undisturbed sleep daily is the best way to rejuvenate the skin.
7 Tips to Help You Avoid Buying a Destructive Soap or Cleanser if You Have a Skin Problem
Psoriasis, dermatitis, eczema, and any other skin problems are irritated very easily by most soaps. As a former psoriasis sufferer I would estimate I tried at least 30 different soaps hoping that would cure my psoriasis. I later discovered I was wrong and my psoriasis was only irritated from soap, but soap was not the cause of it.
If you have any form of a skin problem you may have feared taking a shower or bathing because of the dry, painful itch, and film left by using a commercially produced bar soap. Why is that? What causes the itch left by a bar soap and is there any way to cope?
Here are some tips to buying a better soap or cleanser that may not irritate your skin:
1. Glycerin is a good moisturizer. Glycerin is known to moisturize from the inside out, pulling in moisture from the outside environment. It's typically found in better quality, more expensive soaps like a hand made soap or good cleanser. Lower grade, commercially produced soaps usually remove the glycerin and use more cost effective chemicals which are much more destructive to the skin.
2. Avoid any soaps that are granular. Granular soaps are terribly too abrasive for the skin of acne, psoriasis, eczema, and dermatitis sufferers. This abrasive soap may be okay to wash motor oil off your hands but not to scrub the acne-prone skin on your face.
I had acne as a teen and believed I could scrub long enough to remove dead skin cells to let my pores "breathe". It took little time to discover this was only irritating my skin. If you have beautiful, blemish-free skin a granular soap may not be harmful. However, gentle is the key for anyone who has any form of blemish or sensitive condition like psoriasis, eczema, or dermatitis.
3. Tea Tree Oil and Eucalyptus are terrific for cleansing. Tea tree oil is considered to have some of the best natural antiseptic / antifungal properties in the world. Eucalyptus oil has been shown to fight infection-causing bacteria, fungi, and viruses very effectively.
The reason I have found tea tree oil and eucalyptus to be so powerful in helping my psoriasis was because both were natural and complemented my skin. Far too many chemicals are added into many commercial soaps today that do their job of cleaning but strip away the skins natural moisturizers as well.
Although I no longer have psoriasis, I still use a specific blend of aloe, eucalyptus, and tea tree oil in a concentrated cleanser. Email me and I will tell you what it is and where to purchase it. (I don't personally sell it but can tell you where to find it)
4. pH balance of you skin is critical. Normal skin is naturally acidic with a pH in the range of 4.2 to 5.6. Most traditional soaps considered "mild" have a pH of around 9.5 - 11 which is too alkaline and may cause excessive dryness and irritation. These soaps traditionally remove the natural acid protection and extract the fats from the skin as well.
If you have eczema, psoriasis, or dermatitis your skin may be even more alkaline than normal in those affected areas. Using a low-grade commercially produced bar soap, which may be more alkaline, could lead to infection. If you prefer a bar soap try a hand made soap. It will be more expensive but it would be worth it if you saw results, wouldn't it?
Most cleansers may be more gentle because they are made not to disturb your skin's pH level. The skin is designed to protect itself by maintaining a more acidic pH level. Many commercially made soaps may rob the skin of it's natural acidic state, leaving it unprotected.
5. Frequency of washing - don't overdue it. If you have acne you may have a difficult time with this one. If your skins excessively oily in your facial area it's could be because you are using a poor quality soap that's highly alkaline. By washing too much you may be stripping away the skins natural oil, forcing it to produce more.
I wash my skin once a day. I often see others recommending washing the skin up to three times daily. Washing this much is incredibly excessive for those of us with sensitive skin.
6. Pure Aloe Vera - the absolute best moisturizer. If you've ever had a severe sunburn you would know not to take a very hot shower. Don't consider your psoriasis, eczema, or dermatitis to be any less severe than sunburn.
If you find yourself in a situation where you're in terrible pain from skin lesions this may help. Before I found my psoriasis cure I used Fruit Of The Earth® Aloe Vera 100% Gel. This is the closest thing to a pure moisturizer that you will find. While I don't need this anymore because my psoriasis is gone, it helped tremendously when my psoriasis was very painful.
7. Natural. Most commercial "soaps" today are really detergents loaded with chemicals that irritate the skin and upset it's natural balances. I only use and recommend hand-made soaps or very mild cleansers. The best place to find these hand-made soaps and cleansers are alternative medicine retailers, health food stores and the internet.
The skin is no different than life in that you need balance to be at peace with yourself. You need effective solutions that will not cause extreme side effects. If you want to see an example of extreme un-balance examine chemo therapy. Many patient's undergoing chemo loose their hair, many get brutally sick, etc., because the body is not meant to go thru this type of intense therapy.
If you have any form of a skin problem you may have feared taking a shower or bathing because of the dry, painful itch, and film left by using a commercially produced bar soap. Why is that? What causes the itch left by a bar soap and is there any way to cope?
Here are some tips to buying a better soap or cleanser that may not irritate your skin:
1. Glycerin is a good moisturizer. Glycerin is known to moisturize from the inside out, pulling in moisture from the outside environment. It's typically found in better quality, more expensive soaps like a hand made soap or good cleanser. Lower grade, commercially produced soaps usually remove the glycerin and use more cost effective chemicals which are much more destructive to the skin.
2. Avoid any soaps that are granular. Granular soaps are terribly too abrasive for the skin of acne, psoriasis, eczema, and dermatitis sufferers. This abrasive soap may be okay to wash motor oil off your hands but not to scrub the acne-prone skin on your face.
I had acne as a teen and believed I could scrub long enough to remove dead skin cells to let my pores "breathe". It took little time to discover this was only irritating my skin. If you have beautiful, blemish-free skin a granular soap may not be harmful. However, gentle is the key for anyone who has any form of blemish or sensitive condition like psoriasis, eczema, or dermatitis.
3. Tea Tree Oil and Eucalyptus are terrific for cleansing. Tea tree oil is considered to have some of the best natural antiseptic / antifungal properties in the world. Eucalyptus oil has been shown to fight infection-causing bacteria, fungi, and viruses very effectively.
The reason I have found tea tree oil and eucalyptus to be so powerful in helping my psoriasis was because both were natural and complemented my skin. Far too many chemicals are added into many commercial soaps today that do their job of cleaning but strip away the skins natural moisturizers as well.
Although I no longer have psoriasis, I still use a specific blend of aloe, eucalyptus, and tea tree oil in a concentrated cleanser. Email me and I will tell you what it is and where to purchase it. (I don't personally sell it but can tell you where to find it)
4. pH balance of you skin is critical. Normal skin is naturally acidic with a pH in the range of 4.2 to 5.6. Most traditional soaps considered "mild" have a pH of around 9.5 - 11 which is too alkaline and may cause excessive dryness and irritation. These soaps traditionally remove the natural acid protection and extract the fats from the skin as well.
If you have eczema, psoriasis, or dermatitis your skin may be even more alkaline than normal in those affected areas. Using a low-grade commercially produced bar soap, which may be more alkaline, could lead to infection. If you prefer a bar soap try a hand made soap. It will be more expensive but it would be worth it if you saw results, wouldn't it?
Most cleansers may be more gentle because they are made not to disturb your skin's pH level. The skin is designed to protect itself by maintaining a more acidic pH level. Many commercially made soaps may rob the skin of it's natural acidic state, leaving it unprotected.
5. Frequency of washing - don't overdue it. If you have acne you may have a difficult time with this one. If your skins excessively oily in your facial area it's could be because you are using a poor quality soap that's highly alkaline. By washing too much you may be stripping away the skins natural oil, forcing it to produce more.
I wash my skin once a day. I often see others recommending washing the skin up to three times daily. Washing this much is incredibly excessive for those of us with sensitive skin.
6. Pure Aloe Vera - the absolute best moisturizer. If you've ever had a severe sunburn you would know not to take a very hot shower. Don't consider your psoriasis, eczema, or dermatitis to be any less severe than sunburn.
If you find yourself in a situation where you're in terrible pain from skin lesions this may help. Before I found my psoriasis cure I used Fruit Of The Earth® Aloe Vera 100% Gel. This is the closest thing to a pure moisturizer that you will find. While I don't need this anymore because my psoriasis is gone, it helped tremendously when my psoriasis was very painful.
7. Natural. Most commercial "soaps" today are really detergents loaded with chemicals that irritate the skin and upset it's natural balances. I only use and recommend hand-made soaps or very mild cleansers. The best place to find these hand-made soaps and cleansers are alternative medicine retailers, health food stores and the internet.
The skin is no different than life in that you need balance to be at peace with yourself. You need effective solutions that will not cause extreme side effects. If you want to see an example of extreme un-balance examine chemo therapy. Many patient's undergoing chemo loose their hair, many get brutally sick, etc., because the body is not meant to go thru this type of intense therapy.
7 Steps to Protect Yourself from the Winter Sun
What outdoor activities did you do this past summer? Maybe you went on a vacation to the beach. Maybe you spent some time playing your favorite sports such as baseball, golf, or tennis. Maybe you went swimming or had a barbeque in the backyard with family and friends. Regardless of the outdoor activities you did over the summer, most likely you were aware that it was important to protect yourself from sun while outdoors.
Now winter is approaching. I am turning my attention to putting away my summer items to make room for the winter ones; long sleeve shirts for short sleeve ones, corduroy pants for shorts, and boots for sandals. Most of the sports equipment I have been using is going to get put away as well. But what about those items I have been using to protect myself from the sun? Things like my sunscreens, sunglasses, and sun protective hats and clothing.
You may be putting these items away and not using them during the winter. The National Council of Skin Cancer Prevention reported in their January 2003 newsletter that research shows only 3 percent of Americans routinely wear sunscreen during the fall months, and only 2 percent during the winter months. However, you can still get a sunburn and snow blindness during these months. The colder temperatures do not block the UV rays and reflections off the snow and higher altitudes can make matters even worse. You may be causing yourself significant, long-term damage by not properly protecting yourself.
How do you protect yourself from the winter sun (or any other season)? Follow these simple sun safety action steps recommended by the US Environmental Protection Agency:
1. Limit Time in the Midday Sun - The sun's rays are strongest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Whenever possible, limit exposure to the sun during these hours.
2. Wear a Hat - A hat with a wide brim offers good sun protection to your eyes, ears, face, and the back of your neck - areas particularly prone to overexposure to the sun.
3. Cover Up - Wearing tightly woven, loose-fitting, and full-length clothing is a good way to protect your skin from the sun's UV rays.
4. Wear Sunglasses that Block 99-100% of UV Radiation -Sunglasses that provide 99-100% UVA and UVB protection will greatly reduce sun exposure that can lead to cataracts and other eye damage. Check the label when buying sunglasses.
5. Always Use Sunscreen - Apply a broad spectrum sunscreen with a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of at least 15 or higher liberally on exposed skin. Reapply every 2 hours, or after working, swimming, playing, or exercising outdoors. Even waterproof sunscreen can come off when you towel off, sweat, or spend extended periods of time in the water.
6. Avoid Sunlamps and Tanning Parlors - The light source from sunbeds and sunlamps damages the skin and unprotected eyes. It's a good idea to avoid artificial sources of UV light.
7. Watch for the UV Index - The UV Index provides important information to help you plan your outdoor activities in ways that prevent overexposure to the sun. Developed by the National Weather Service (NWS) and EPA, the UV Index is issued daily in selected cities across the United States.
I am going to keep my sun protective items out to use this winter. I am trusting that you will do the same so that you can enjoy the outdoors while in the cold, on the ice, or in the snow. Have a terrific and safe winter!
Now winter is approaching. I am turning my attention to putting away my summer items to make room for the winter ones; long sleeve shirts for short sleeve ones, corduroy pants for shorts, and boots for sandals. Most of the sports equipment I have been using is going to get put away as well. But what about those items I have been using to protect myself from the sun? Things like my sunscreens, sunglasses, and sun protective hats and clothing.
You may be putting these items away and not using them during the winter. The National Council of Skin Cancer Prevention reported in their January 2003 newsletter that research shows only 3 percent of Americans routinely wear sunscreen during the fall months, and only 2 percent during the winter months. However, you can still get a sunburn and snow blindness during these months. The colder temperatures do not block the UV rays and reflections off the snow and higher altitudes can make matters even worse. You may be causing yourself significant, long-term damage by not properly protecting yourself.
How do you protect yourself from the winter sun (or any other season)? Follow these simple sun safety action steps recommended by the US Environmental Protection Agency:
1. Limit Time in the Midday Sun - The sun's rays are strongest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Whenever possible, limit exposure to the sun during these hours.
2. Wear a Hat - A hat with a wide brim offers good sun protection to your eyes, ears, face, and the back of your neck - areas particularly prone to overexposure to the sun.
3. Cover Up - Wearing tightly woven, loose-fitting, and full-length clothing is a good way to protect your skin from the sun's UV rays.
4. Wear Sunglasses that Block 99-100% of UV Radiation -Sunglasses that provide 99-100% UVA and UVB protection will greatly reduce sun exposure that can lead to cataracts and other eye damage. Check the label when buying sunglasses.
5. Always Use Sunscreen - Apply a broad spectrum sunscreen with a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of at least 15 or higher liberally on exposed skin. Reapply every 2 hours, or after working, swimming, playing, or exercising outdoors. Even waterproof sunscreen can come off when you towel off, sweat, or spend extended periods of time in the water.
6. Avoid Sunlamps and Tanning Parlors - The light source from sunbeds and sunlamps damages the skin and unprotected eyes. It's a good idea to avoid artificial sources of UV light.
7. Watch for the UV Index - The UV Index provides important information to help you plan your outdoor activities in ways that prevent overexposure to the sun. Developed by the National Weather Service (NWS) and EPA, the UV Index is issued daily in selected cities across the United States.
I am going to keep my sun protective items out to use this winter. I am trusting that you will do the same so that you can enjoy the outdoors while in the cold, on the ice, or in the snow. Have a terrific and safe winter!
5 Ways to Treat Eczema Naturally
First, before we discuss these natural options, it's important to know WHY natural alternatives are ideal. Research has shown that eczema is often caused by underlying psychological (usually stress) trauma, food habits, or dehydration, and not external causes. That being the case, rubbing a steroid cream on your itchy skin may temporarily relieve the itch, but it won't solve your problem. You need to go further than just skin deep.
Try these natural eczema treatments to get to the root of your itchy skin problem:
1. Do a diet check. You eczema could actually be the result of a slight allergic reaction. Try and avoid foods that can cause eczema flare-ups, like citrus fruits, eggs, shellfish, chocolate, wheat, and cow's milk. Cut back on animal fat, sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and overly processed foods. Stick to whole grains and eat a lot of Vitamin A and potassium, like carrots and spinach.
2. Treat dry skin with severe hydration. Drink at least 2 liters of water a day.
3. Invest in a vitamin. Your body could be lacking a certain nutrient that's making your skin go haywire. Vitamin C and Vitamin F are often helpful in hydrating skin from the inside out.
4. Try some herbs and oils. Herbal remedies can be calming, which can help rash-prone skin, and with direct contact, can relieve itch and treat eczema. Visit an herbalist who is trained in Chinese Medicine or Ayurvedic Medicine.
5. Relax, relax, relax. Our skin often responds to whatever is going on inside us. If we're stressed out, our skin will get stressed out. If we relax, so will our skin. Stress-induced rashes, such as eczema often clear up on their own if some serious relaxation. Try and cut back on some of your obligations and spend more YOU time unwinding. Your body, inside and out, will thank you!
Try these natural eczema treatments to get to the root of your itchy skin problem:
1. Do a diet check. You eczema could actually be the result of a slight allergic reaction. Try and avoid foods that can cause eczema flare-ups, like citrus fruits, eggs, shellfish, chocolate, wheat, and cow's milk. Cut back on animal fat, sugar, caffeine, alcohol, and overly processed foods. Stick to whole grains and eat a lot of Vitamin A and potassium, like carrots and spinach.
2. Treat dry skin with severe hydration. Drink at least 2 liters of water a day.
3. Invest in a vitamin. Your body could be lacking a certain nutrient that's making your skin go haywire. Vitamin C and Vitamin F are often helpful in hydrating skin from the inside out.
4. Try some herbs and oils. Herbal remedies can be calming, which can help rash-prone skin, and with direct contact, can relieve itch and treat eczema. Visit an herbalist who is trained in Chinese Medicine or Ayurvedic Medicine.
5. Relax, relax, relax. Our skin often responds to whatever is going on inside us. If we're stressed out, our skin will get stressed out. If we relax, so will our skin. Stress-induced rashes, such as eczema often clear up on their own if some serious relaxation. Try and cut back on some of your obligations and spend more YOU time unwinding. Your body, inside and out, will thank you!
Vitamin C in Skin Care
The integumentary system is the body's largest organ. It can also be a woman's biggest nightmare. The epidermis and its care is one of the most ubiquitous concerns of women as they age. Vitamin C is used in skin care to help prevent premature aging and damage from the suns rays. The antioxidant properties of Vitamin C allows it to bond with and remove damaging radicals in the skin from pollution, cigarette smoke and other sources. Vitamin C is also a necessary part of the body's production of collagen which is the fiber that makes tissues strong and elastic.
Thus the use of Vitamin C in a daily skin care program is thought to help make your skin look full and firm. Taking care of your skin should also be one of the biggest concerns of men since their incidence of melanoma is far greater than that of women and they are starting to spend more and more time in the tanning salons.
Although men have the greatest statistical incidence of melanoma some dermatologists fear that the popularity of sun tanning beds in the female population may be bringing with it an increased development of melanoma in women. With the passage of time there may be an alarming tendency of young women to develop the sometimes fatal disease. One thing is certain though, UV rays whether from tanning beds or sun exposure is damaging in excessive amounts.
Furthermore, when the sun is involved sun screen really is mandatory for prevention of its damaging effects both medical and cosmetic. But even with the best preventative measures time does take its toll. Solar radiation, pollution and exposure to various toxins damage the cells prematurely aging the skin and the natural aging process leads to a reduced production of collagen. For some corrective measures may be required.
Many approaches and strategies are used in the time reversal strategy known as skin care. Alpha hydroxy acids (AHA) are a popular ingredient in many over the counter skin care products. The theory being that the acids peel away the outermost layer of skin exposing the new softer tissues underneath and the skin appears to renew and rejuvenate. Vitamins can be absorbed through the skin in creams and lotions, particularly Vitamins A and D. Vitamin C can be absorbed by the skin but the best form is one called L-ascorbic acid.
This is a product that breaks down very easily especially in sunlight giving it a short shelf life. It is important to buy small amounts in dark colored or brown bottles and keep it in a dark storage place. This works by being absorbed into the epidermis and promoting the production of collagen. It also works as an antioxidant by neutralizing free radicals in the body. Because of its absorption this form of Vitamin C will not wash away but remain in the skin.
Thus the use of Vitamin C in a daily skin care program is thought to help make your skin look full and firm. Taking care of your skin should also be one of the biggest concerns of men since their incidence of melanoma is far greater than that of women and they are starting to spend more and more time in the tanning salons.
Although men have the greatest statistical incidence of melanoma some dermatologists fear that the popularity of sun tanning beds in the female population may be bringing with it an increased development of melanoma in women. With the passage of time there may be an alarming tendency of young women to develop the sometimes fatal disease. One thing is certain though, UV rays whether from tanning beds or sun exposure is damaging in excessive amounts.
Furthermore, when the sun is involved sun screen really is mandatory for prevention of its damaging effects both medical and cosmetic. But even with the best preventative measures time does take its toll. Solar radiation, pollution and exposure to various toxins damage the cells prematurely aging the skin and the natural aging process leads to a reduced production of collagen. For some corrective measures may be required.
Many approaches and strategies are used in the time reversal strategy known as skin care. Alpha hydroxy acids (AHA) are a popular ingredient in many over the counter skin care products. The theory being that the acids peel away the outermost layer of skin exposing the new softer tissues underneath and the skin appears to renew and rejuvenate. Vitamins can be absorbed through the skin in creams and lotions, particularly Vitamins A and D. Vitamin C can be absorbed by the skin but the best form is one called L-ascorbic acid.
This is a product that breaks down very easily especially in sunlight giving it a short shelf life. It is important to buy small amounts in dark colored or brown bottles and keep it in a dark storage place. This works by being absorbed into the epidermis and promoting the production of collagen. It also works as an antioxidant by neutralizing free radicals in the body. Because of its absorption this form of Vitamin C will not wash away but remain in the skin.
Calcium Protects Against Cancer
Every woman with a head on her shoulders knows about the importance of calcium for strong bones to prevent osteoporosis, a serious disease affecting older women. I myself have been a long time consumer of low-fat dairy products for this very reason (plus I love cottage cheese with almost anything). But now we have an added reason to wolf down the calcium.
New research has shown that women with higher intakes of calcium appear to have a lower risk of cancer overall, and both men and women with high calcium intakes have lower risks of colorectal cancer and other cancers of the GI system (this is from the February 23 issue of Archives of Internal Medicine).
The Institute of Medicine currently recommends 1,200 milligrams of calcium for adults age 50 and older, and the 2005 dietary guidelines for Americans recommend 3 cups per day of low-fat or fat-free dairy products. In the study, the decrease in risk for women was with intake of up to 1,300 mgs per day, after which no further risk reduction was observed. In both men and women, dairy food and calcium intakes were inversely associated with cancers of the GI and one-fifth of men who consumed the most calcium through food and supplements (about 1,530 mg per day) had a 16 percent lower risk of these types of cancer than the one-fifth who consumed the least (526 mg per day). For women, those in the top one-fifth of calcium consumption (1,881 mg per day) had a 23 percent lower risk than those in the bottom one-fifth (494 mg per day) with a most pronounced decrease for colorectal cancer. So what is it about dairy that is so protective against cancer?
Dairy is relatively high in anti-carcinogenic nutrients such as calcium, vitamin D and conjugated linoleic acid. Calcium has been shown to reduce abnormal growth and induce normal turnover among cells in the GI tract and breast and it binds to bile and fatty acids, which may reduce damage to the mucous membrane in the large intestine. So the bottom line is: even if you’re dieting, be sure to include that lowfat dairy to protect yourself against disease!
New research has shown that women with higher intakes of calcium appear to have a lower risk of cancer overall, and both men and women with high calcium intakes have lower risks of colorectal cancer and other cancers of the GI system (this is from the February 23 issue of Archives of Internal Medicine).
The Institute of Medicine currently recommends 1,200 milligrams of calcium for adults age 50 and older, and the 2005 dietary guidelines for Americans recommend 3 cups per day of low-fat or fat-free dairy products. In the study, the decrease in risk for women was with intake of up to 1,300 mgs per day, after which no further risk reduction was observed. In both men and women, dairy food and calcium intakes were inversely associated with cancers of the GI and one-fifth of men who consumed the most calcium through food and supplements (about 1,530 mg per day) had a 16 percent lower risk of these types of cancer than the one-fifth who consumed the least (526 mg per day). For women, those in the top one-fifth of calcium consumption (1,881 mg per day) had a 23 percent lower risk than those in the bottom one-fifth (494 mg per day) with a most pronounced decrease for colorectal cancer. So what is it about dairy that is so protective against cancer?
Dairy is relatively high in anti-carcinogenic nutrients such as calcium, vitamin D and conjugated linoleic acid. Calcium has been shown to reduce abnormal growth and induce normal turnover among cells in the GI tract and breast and it binds to bile and fatty acids, which may reduce damage to the mucous membrane in the large intestine. So the bottom line is: even if you’re dieting, be sure to include that lowfat dairy to protect yourself against disease!
Muscle Building Tips: Do's and Dont's
Packing on Muscle mass involves a lot of dedication and care. At times, trying too hard can have its negative effects too. Right guidance and proper techniques make the perfect recipe to MUSCLE BUILDING. Muscle Building is no joke, but at the same time, very much possible. The bottomline is to workout in the right direction and not to harm your body. Here are some Do's and Dont's for Muscle Building.Muscle Building Tips: Do's and Dont's
1) Popping a pill to reach your health and fitness goal is not the answer! Results are temporary and effects the body adversely in the long run.
2) Remove the tag " Short cut" from your workout schedule. There is no such thing as quick-fix. Dedication and hardwork hold the key for MUSCLE BUILDING.
3) Dietary Supplements can be helpful in achieving your goals. Supplementation is designed to supplement your healthy eating and exercise habits.
4) Dont go in for any supplement you come across. Before taking a supplement, consult your trained or a physician. Always buy supplements from a reputed DRUGSTORE. Do your research before taking in a supplement. One such reputed and recommended online store for drugs is Drugstore.com. Read Drugstore.com Reviews at http://www.weightloss-health.com/Drugstore.htm
5) Supplements shouldnt be misunderstood as steroids. Steroids should be a BIG NO. Gather more knowledge on supplements at http://www.weightloss-health.com/Supplements.htm
6) Muscle Building Diet: It occupies a prominent area in MUSCLE BUILDING pie-chart. You should be highly careful related to your muscle building diet. Always ask your trainer to write down a diet schedule for you.
7) Give rest to your body between two sets, say for two minutes.
8) Not work on more than two muscle groups at a time. Train those mucles in a group which work with each other. This technique has proven to be effective. For eg: Chest and Triceps or biceps and backs.
9) The most effective time to do muscle building exercises is in the morning. You have consumed a lot of carbs by evening. So, carbs become the source of energy for you when you do your exercises in evening. But in morning, body depends on its alternative source i.e FAT for energy. Hence fats get burned up more in morning.
10) Last but not the least, Dont be biased to any body part. Proper balance is a necessity. Having big upper body and skinny legs is no good. Work out on entire body.
1) Popping a pill to reach your health and fitness goal is not the answer! Results are temporary and effects the body adversely in the long run.
2) Remove the tag " Short cut" from your workout schedule. There is no such thing as quick-fix. Dedication and hardwork hold the key for MUSCLE BUILDING.
3) Dietary Supplements can be helpful in achieving your goals. Supplementation is designed to supplement your healthy eating and exercise habits.
4) Dont go in for any supplement you come across. Before taking a supplement, consult your trained or a physician. Always buy supplements from a reputed DRUGSTORE. Do your research before taking in a supplement. One such reputed and recommended online store for drugs is Drugstore.com. Read Drugstore.com Reviews at http://www.weightloss-health.com/Drugstore.htm
5) Supplements shouldnt be misunderstood as steroids. Steroids should be a BIG NO. Gather more knowledge on supplements at http://www.weightloss-health.com/Supplements.htm
6) Muscle Building Diet: It occupies a prominent area in MUSCLE BUILDING pie-chart. You should be highly careful related to your muscle building diet. Always ask your trainer to write down a diet schedule for you.
7) Give rest to your body between two sets, say for two minutes.
8) Not work on more than two muscle groups at a time. Train those mucles in a group which work with each other. This technique has proven to be effective. For eg: Chest and Triceps or biceps and backs.
9) The most effective time to do muscle building exercises is in the morning. You have consumed a lot of carbs by evening. So, carbs become the source of energy for you when you do your exercises in evening. But in morning, body depends on its alternative source i.e FAT for energy. Hence fats get burned up more in morning.
10) Last but not the least, Dont be biased to any body part. Proper balance is a necessity. Having big upper body and skinny legs is no good. Work out on entire body.
10 Ways To Diminish Your Charge For Healthcare
After central and breathing expenses double as crack or a mortgage, for a congruous contain of American families healthcare can be the looked toward greatest expenditure, and for many a big part of that overall healthcare cost can be their health insurance premium. However, according to financial experts, when it comes to preparing your family's budget, there are ways to reduce both your health insurance cost, and what you pay for healthcare in general. Whether you are shopping for the first time for health insurance, or are looking for a new plan to reduce your monthly payments, here are 10 suggestions that can lead to a lower health insurance quote, and more affordable healthcare:
1. Stop Smoking - Depending on where you effectual you can hold back seeing $200.00 a continuance on the costs of cigarettes alone. As beneath as a health insurance quotes goes, non-smokers always bucks significantly less than smokers for slice policy. According to a recent study, even though smokers generally have a shorter lifespan than non-smokers, they pay a third more in overall healthcare than non-smokers throughout their lifetime.
2. Reduce Weight - Again sense plays a contributive agency when recipient a health insurance quote, it's a advent that if you are rotund you will pay more. Obesity is becoming one of the greatest drains on our healthcare system. According to a recent study by the Rand Corporation, being obese adds $395 each year to your average per-year health care costs, more than smoking (an addition of $230), aging 20 years ($225), and problem drinking ($150).
3. Get More Exercise - While it may be bothersome to form a quantitative amount on how inimitably you can grip on a health insurance adduce by exercising and receipt in shape - regular exercise will not only reduce weight (see above) but can also improve cardio-vascular health and reduce other risk factors that lead to higher costs for health insurance and medical care.
4. Select a Higher Deductible - A another deductible and other co-pay will even so adjudicature in a lower health insurance quote, and may qualify you for a Health Savings Account (HSA) which can succour defray the costs of the higher deductible.
5. Read and be Sure you Understand your Health Plan - you would be surprised at how uncounted consumers coin supplementary for healthcare simply whereas
the get not see the details of their own heath insurance plan.
6. "Cheaper" isn't always further "Affordable" - When it comes to a health insurance offer you demand heap a response that is right for you and your lifestyle. Cheaper doesn't always nasty supplementary affordable in the long run. If you go for a health insurance quote with a smaller monthly premium, but if you have health problems and must make many doctors visits the high deductible or higher co-pay may cost you more in the long run. Choose a plan that is right for you.
7. Consolidate Your Health Plans -if you and your spouse both have contradictory health plans you may put up power by consolidating below a weird
8. Be Proactive - and you can withhold money. For example discern before you fascination them what if fraction ambulance services in your longitude are occult by your insurance, and when and if your regular physician is available after hours.
9. Be especial to Negotiate with Your Doctor - indeed physicians will offer destitute or discounted rates to patients with no or elfin insurance.
10. Reduce the costs of Prescription Drugs - if you have heath insurance with prescription drug coverage, gravy advantage of the "lower tier" by invitation your imbue to prescribe generic drugs, plane if you seal not have prescription drug coverage squint into the discount programs offered by many drug companies and retail pharmacies.
1. Stop Smoking - Depending on where you effectual you can hold back seeing $200.00 a continuance on the costs of cigarettes alone. As beneath as a health insurance quotes goes, non-smokers always bucks significantly less than smokers for slice policy. According to a recent study, even though smokers generally have a shorter lifespan than non-smokers, they pay a third more in overall healthcare than non-smokers throughout their lifetime.
2. Reduce Weight - Again sense plays a contributive agency when recipient a health insurance quote, it's a advent that if you are rotund you will pay more. Obesity is becoming one of the greatest drains on our healthcare system. According to a recent study by the Rand Corporation, being obese adds $395 each year to your average per-year health care costs, more than smoking (an addition of $230), aging 20 years ($225), and problem drinking ($150).
3. Get More Exercise - While it may be bothersome to form a quantitative amount on how inimitably you can grip on a health insurance adduce by exercising and receipt in shape - regular exercise will not only reduce weight (see above) but can also improve cardio-vascular health and reduce other risk factors that lead to higher costs for health insurance and medical care.
4. Select a Higher Deductible - A another deductible and other co-pay will even so adjudicature in a lower health insurance quote, and may qualify you for a Health Savings Account (HSA) which can succour defray the costs of the higher deductible.
5. Read and be Sure you Understand your Health Plan - you would be surprised at how uncounted consumers coin supplementary for healthcare simply whereas
the get not see the details of their own heath insurance plan.
6. "Cheaper" isn't always further "Affordable" - When it comes to a health insurance offer you demand heap a response that is right for you and your lifestyle. Cheaper doesn't always nasty supplementary affordable in the long run. If you go for a health insurance quote with a smaller monthly premium, but if you have health problems and must make many doctors visits the high deductible or higher co-pay may cost you more in the long run. Choose a plan that is right for you.
7. Consolidate Your Health Plans -if you and your spouse both have contradictory health plans you may put up power by consolidating below a weird
8. Be Proactive - and you can withhold money. For example discern before you fascination them what if fraction ambulance services in your longitude are occult by your insurance, and when and if your regular physician is available after hours.
9. Be especial to Negotiate with Your Doctor - indeed physicians will offer destitute or discounted rates to patients with no or elfin insurance.
10. Reduce the costs of Prescription Drugs - if you have heath insurance with prescription drug coverage, gravy advantage of the "lower tier" by invitation your imbue to prescribe generic drugs, plane if you seal not have prescription drug coverage squint into the discount programs offered by many drug companies and retail pharmacies.
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